Monday, February 2, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 21
February 2, 2009
Today we celebrated SPIRIT DAY in the Family Center! The teachers took on the 8th grade and WON!! YAY TEACHERS, You still have it in you!!
Tomorrow the 3rd is early out 2:00pm
Non-Uniform day on Friday the 6th.
Thursday, Feb. 5th Shrinking Big Foot Assembly in the Auditorium at 9am
Friday there is also a Prayer Assembly at 8:45am and the Spelling Bee at 2pm
Tomorrow 2 book clubs will be wrapping up their book tests! The next two books introduced will be The Bridge to Terabithia, and Polar Bears Past Bedtime. In reading we continue to work on vocabulary of new words introduced in each story, comprehension, making connections and synthesizing.
In Language Arts we have started some research on various famous African Americans since this is African American month. Those that have computers at home, your children may need to do some research, if they were not able to locate what they needed during computer time.
In math we continue to work on story problems/long multiplication and division.
Science we will complete our physical science unit this week and take our science test on Friday.
In Social Studies we will begin chapter 4, learning about Coastal People.
In Religion we continue to talk about living in God's image and living a holy life, treating all of our Brother's and Sisters with respect and kindness.
I will be sending home a Field Trip form. We will be going to the Seattle Science Center for the Polar Science Weekend that will coincide with the end of the International Polar Year. The cost will be around $10 dollars for entrance and bus fee. I plan to organize a few bake sales to cut some of that cost. More info. coming.
Have a great week, feels like Spring today, not sure why that ground hog says 6 more weeks. Lets hope not!

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