Monday, February 9, 2009


Week 22 - VALENTINES week
February 9, 2009
This week we will have a Valentines party on Thursday afternoon to exchange Valentines. On Wednesday the kids will be making Valentine bags. If you can remember, please send the Valentines on Wednesday since a handful of kids will be away on Thursday, this way they can take their bags with them - Thanks!
NO SCHOOL - Friday 13 and Monday 16th!
This week in Math we continue to work with division, multiplication, averages, prime and composite numbers. Continue to practice your division facts at home. Super important at this point in the year to know your division quick -quick-quick!!
A few reading groups have begun new stories and will be taking the AR quiz's for comprehension once their books are completed. I sent home a letter today about the AR books and a list of them.
On Tuesday the 17, the students will take their Physical Science test. I will send home a review sheet this week. Since Monday is a holiday, it is important that the kids study and are ready for the test on Tuesday. We will begin Chapter 4 in Social Studies this week.
In religion the kids wrote prayers, typed them out and are now going up on our "Soaring Toward Peace on Earth" board. Today the 4th graders lead the school in prayer, "I ARISE TODAY." Ask your child about our prayerful song. If anyone would like the lyrics, let me know.
We continue to work with Adjectives. Today we took our names and found adjectives that describe us, beginning with each letter of our name. They are on our Valentine board outside our classroom.

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