Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Week 23
February 17, 2009

Good Week All - Updates
This week will be short and busy at the same time. I will have a sub this Thursday and Friday! I will be traveling to Spokane to visit my family. Cayce and Christopher Johns will spend their last day with us on Friday. We are sad to see them go in the middle of the year, but we wish them well ,and know that they will be very successful in their new school in Houston, Texas. We will have a little party for them tomorrow, Wednesday afternoon. There will be a Parent meeting for all parents who are re-enrolling their kids in the school - this is mandatory for all!!! Friday night is BONGO night!

Math - continue to work on long division, multiplication, averages and divisibilities.
Reading - Book Clubs continue to read their chapter books and work together in Lit. Circles at times.
Religion - Preparing to take a chapter test on Baptism and look into lent. Chapter test on Friday.
Social Studies - finish up Chapter 4 on Coastal Indians, Chapter test on Friday.
Science - We reviewed Physical Science Unit 2.1-2.7, Unit test will be on Thursday. All students have in their planners to study for this test each night until Thursday.
L.A. - Poems

Have a Great Week!!!

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