Monday, February 23, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 23
February 23, 2009

This week Mrs. Reid will be traveling to New York.
We have our field trip on Thursday so please pack your child a sack lunch and make sure that your permission slip is in, and $10 paid. We will not have mass on Tuesday, our regular time, but instead we will celebrate mass this week on Ash Wednesday at 9am for those that would like to join us. There is a staff retreat on Monday, March 2, so there will be no school.

This week in Math we will focus on long division with remainders and double digit multiplication - seem to still have some difficulty in these areas.

In reading we continue with our book clubs. The Mr. Henshaw book club will take a book test tomorrow, Tuesday the 24th. (It was brought to my attention that some students have completed books at home and would like to take AR tests. The problem we are having is scheduling issues, no computers in the classroom, students being unattended in lab by themselves, and teachers not wanting to take entire class to lab so that just a few students can take their AR test. I have spoken with Mrs. Reid about this issue and it will be discussed at a future staff meeting.)

In religion we will begin our unit on Lent. Religion tests will go home this week. Students will take another Beatitudes quiz on Wednesday. This is in their planners. It is important that when there is going to be a test that the students bring home their text books and go over material with a parent, and a parent quiz them. I know this was in their planners last week.

In LA we are writing Heritage stories. We are going to have a Heritage day next month. The students have checked out books from the different regions/countries they have come from. They are gathering information and writing a children's story based on their heritage. If you have any information you can share with them please do so. It is wonderful to hear stories about where have come from.

In science we will begin to talk about the Scientific Method as we approach the science fair. The 4th grade will have a few science stations at the fair. We are not doing individual projects this year. We will be presenting information as teams.

(I wanted to clarify why the science test was postponed till last week. Often times we plan for weeks in advance and through out the week plans change and there are interruptions and certain projects/activities take longer than you expect, and then there is a day off. I wanted to make sure that the students had adequate time to study and plan and go over the review sheet. On any given day I may be thinking about a few dozen different things I need to do. There are times when I do forget to hand out something, pass something back, or go over something with the class. I always get to it, and use my best judgement to make the best decision I feel fit for the class. I appreciate your understanding and patients. As teachers we have learned to become quite flexible.)

If in the future you have any questions or concerns about your child or a decision made, please e-mail me and I can further clarify it for you. Thanks!!

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