Wednesday, March 4, 2009


March 4, 2009
Week 25

We had a great field trip last week to the Seattle Science Center, and learning about the Polar Bear and the importance of the Ice Caps on the Polar Bear. I want to thank Mrs. Dolan and Mrs. Van Hollebeke for joining us on our journey to the center. The kids were great, and we will take more field trips in the future.

Next Wednesday, March 11, is the Science Fair. Please have your child bring in a poster board for their group presentation. I was told that they were on sale at Office Max.
We will be taking another field trip to Carkeeke Park to release our salmon on March 20th. If you would like to help transport students to the park please let me know. I will need about 5 drivers.
You will notice that your child does not have much homework this week. This is due to the importance of completing our Science Projects and having enough time to work on them at home if need be.
This week in Math we continue to work with long division and one math group will begin measurement and negative numbers. We are finishing up our books in reading circles and will begin new books next week. This week we are going to concentrate on our Science Research Projects for the Science Fair. Yesterday I sent home information about the Science Fair and Ethnic Day which will take place on March 18th. It was stapled to your child’s planner. If you have not seen it please look for it today. In Religion we have started Lenten Prayer Journals which we will continue throughout Lent. We are also going to focus on Lent as being a time to Come With Jesus. In L.A. we will be working on our Ethnic Day stories. If you have any questions about the Science Project or Ethnic Day please e-mail me at Please know that the students are working in groups for their science projects. There will be times when there are disagreements within the group. The students are going to need to work through these disagreements and come to a positive understanding. Keep in mind that if your child is coming home and complaining about their group or the project, that there are always 2 sides to every story.

Have a great week; I am enjoying the smell of spring in the air!

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