Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 28
March 24, 2009

RAVES: Would like to recognize Emily and Brianna for their excellent efforts in supporting the Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/Rice Bowl. On Sunday the girls set up a Hot Coco stand in their neighborhood. They set up the rice bowl and poster at their stand. They made $20 and gave all proceeds to Rice Bowl. The girls really took to heart the Lent curriculum we have been studying in class these past few weeks, how the rice bowl helps support so many different organizations around the world. OUTSTANDING WORK GIRLS!
*Mr. van Hollebeke, Mrs. Van Hollebeke, and Mrs. Emerson, thank you so much for transporting the 4th grade to Carkeek Park for the release of our salmon into the impression pond. The Salmon will spend about 2 weeks in the pond to acclimate to the smells so they know where to return once they become Spanning Salmon. We knew they would never be able to make it back to St. Al’s. Once they leave the impression pond they will flow right into the creek there. They will spend time growing and eventually make their way into the ocean, could take up to a year.
*The 4th graders for their excellent job on their Ethnic Projects! They were AWESOME and the presentations and food were icing on the top. Thank you for working so hard!

*Please remember to check your child’s planner and sign it. I am seeing many unsigned planners. Parents are the number one teachers in a child’s life.
*March 31st marks the beginning of the Book Fair. It will be held in the small cafeteria for the week. Our class will do a walk through on Tuesday to check out the books and see if there are any they might be interested in purchasing.
*In Religion we continue to learn about CRS and the different countries and people CRS has helped and supported over the years. Please continue to fill your Rice Bowls.
*In Math we are finishing up chapters in measurement, long division, and simplifying algebraic expressions.
*Reading circles continue. It never hurts to check your child’s binder and reading journal to learn more about what they are reading and writing about.
*In LA I read a story called, If Your Not From the Prairie, the students are now brainstorming and writing stories about a place they know so well, that it has become apart of them.
*In Social Studies we continue to learn this week about the Plateau people.

Have a great week!

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