Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 26
March 10, 2009

Happy crazy weather week! Guess it doesn’t know what it wants to do. I had 5 inches at my house yesterday. Couldn’t believe it when I called my husband and he said that he was shoveling.

Science Fair – Wednesday at 6:30pm in the cafeteria I believe.
PTA meeting Wednesday, March 11 @ 7pm.
Report Cards will go home next week.
Ethnic Day – Wednesday, March 18th

We are now in our second week of Lent and continue each day to focus on one question that we will journal/meditate about. Tomorrow we will begin to read about different countries that are supported through the rice bowl. In LA we are working on our two parts of the Ethnic project. We have spent time this week in the computer lab researching about our countries and typing in our stories. In math we continue to work with measurements, and long division. We are just about finished with our Science Projects and the students are feeling quite successful. In reading we have begun new reading circle books, Esperanza Rising, Loser, and Civil War on Sunday. Each group has been given their study guides for their book. These should be in their 3-ring binders under reading, if you would like to take a look.

See you tomorrow night. Please e-mail if you have any questions mizschmutz@gmail.com

I will do my best to get the Field Trip pics up this week. Thanks!

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