Monday, March 16, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 27 - St. Patrick's Week
March 16, 2009

*Tomorrow is the 17th. If you would like to send some goodies with your child to share for tomorrow afternoon, please fill free. Tomorrow is GREEN DAY, non uniform if you choose.
*Report Cards will be distributed on Tuesday.
*Ethnic Heritage Day - Wednesday the 18th. We are wrapping up our projects. If your child has not gathered all of his/her information, it is very important that they do so immediately. We have been working on this project for almost a month now, so if they are not at the tail-end of the project, they are behind. The students may wear clothes from their country of origin, they may also bring in a treat to share from their country of origin.
*No school on Friday the 20th. Teachers go to school!
*Please have your child bring in $1 dollar each, for the children of Uganda.

In Religion we continue our journey through Lent, learning about different individuals from different countries in the world who have benefited from Operation Rice Bowl. In math we have groups working on measurement, and long division (can't tell you enough how important it is that your child know his/her multiplication facts). In reading we have started new books in our reading circles, each group continues to work in their reading journals. In LA we have taken our time to complete our Heritage projects. The MSL students have been receiving great support from Mrs. Corr (some students were advised to return at lunch today to get additional support, none showed). Now that our Science Fair is over we will begin a new unit in Social Studies, The Plains People.

Have a Great WEEK!!

HUGE RAVE to all of the 4th graders who worked so hard on their Science Projects, you all ROCK!!!

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