Bon Dia
Week 36
May 26, 2009
*4th graders Rock! We had so much fun on our field trip to Olympia. The kids were all very well behaved, and represented our school with pride.
*To my drivers to Olympia, Mr. van Hollebeke, Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. van Leuween, you all saved the day. We could not have asked for better weather either.
Sorry that the pics have not gotten up yet. I took my nice camera and I'm still trying to figure how to download them onto the computer, give me a few more days.
*We are taking our walking field trip to the Ballard Manor this Friday @1pm.
*Math tests Friday
*SS test over Chapters 8and9 on Thursday.
*June 4th, Jr. Olympic night in the family center
*June 5th Field Day. If nice the students can wear shorts and t-shirts. Please have them also bring their Jr. Olympic outfits as we will first march around the block.
In Religion we are working on our Service Learning project to Ballard Manor, we also continue to learn and understand the works of Mercy.
In math we are now adding and subtracting fractions. We will take a math chapter test on Friday over fractions.
In reading each student is following their independent reading study guide. Each child's study guide is a tad different depending on their book and the number of pages. Please check to make sure that your student is keeping up with his/her reading.
In Social Studies we will have a chapter test on Thursday, May 28 over chapters 8 and 9 (early Pioneers).
In Science I have attached the Space Science research project guide to the back of the reading log for the week. Each students Space Object research paper will be due next Wednesday the 3rd of June. I have told the students that I do not want them to go home tonight and come in tomorrow with their paper completed. This is a process, most of which will be done in class. If they have fallen behind by next week and are not ready to turn it in on Wednesday, I will notify you personally.
The students will have no additional homework, besides their reading log. Very important to read each night or morning and fill in the log.
Hope you all have marvelous weekends!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Independent Read Guide
Independent Read – Fiction
*Choose your own chapter book that is at least 150 pages long.
*Complete the independent packet questions and worksheets. Questions can be answered in your reading journal. Do not read ahead in the book, stick to the reading guide as I have mapped out.
*All questions that are answered in your journal must be labeled with the date and page section.
Making Predictions- Prior to Reading- Monday, May 18, 2009
What made you choose this book? (Answer in your journal, at least 3 complete sentences, will be looking for this).
What do you know about this book or expect to read? (Answer in journal, at least 3 complete sentence responses).
Fill in the first column of the Predicting, Three Column notes, page 77, must have at least 3 predictions in the first column, write neatly.
Read pages 1-20 – Tuesday, May 19, 2009
List the main characters in your journal- the ones you have met this far. Write a description (be very descriptive) for each character, 2 sentences each.
Complete the Sense of Character, page 29, for the main character.
In your journal write a 1 paragraph (5-7 sentences) summary of the first pages. Watch punctuation, sentence structure and handwriting.
Read pages 21-41- Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Think of the characters in this book. Is there one that you have a connection with? Think about this character and complete the Character Connections, page 31.
In your journal, draw an Illustration of an event that is taking place in these pages. Draw about this event, color it, and describe the event (caption) underneath the picture. Looking for time and thought put into this picture and caption.
Read pages 42-62- Friday, May 22, 2009
In your journal summarize these 20 pages in your journal in one paragraph with paragraph structure (5-7 sentences).
Complete the Character Card, page 36.
Read pages 63-83, Tuesday, May 26th
Fill in the Venn-diagram on page 35. Compare yourself to a character in the book. How are you different, and alike? Fill in as best you can.
What has become the problem in the story? In journal summarize this question in one paragraph (5-7 sentences).
Read pages 84-104, Wednesday, May 27th
Think about these pages. Was there a mental connection that you made to something that you read in this section? Copy the paragraph or stanza from the book, and then tell about the connection you had to this section of the book. Did it make you think of something that has happened in your life, in the world, in your inner family/community? Complete this question in your journal.
Read pages 105-125, Thursday, May 28th
Take a quote from this section of reading. Why did you choose this quote? How does this quote speak to you? Write the quote down in your journal with your response.
Create a cartoon conflict from your story. Create speech bubbles. Fill in dialogue (talking among characters) in the cartoon bubbles. Your cartoon conflict should be at least 4 boxes. I have added an example, Cartoon of Conflict, page 48. This should help you with a visual to get started on your own cartoon conflict.
Read pages 126-150, Friday, May 29th, 2009
Take 3 vocabulary words that were difficult for you to understand in this section of reading. Write the words in the boxes, write the definition under each word in each box and then to the right, draw and picture of what the word means.
Create a Poem about the book that you are reading. If can be a particular character or scene in the book.
Read pages 152-180 or to the end.
Complete the problem/solution chart.
Create a Diorama of your book in a shoe box. Make it 3-dimensional if possible. You will have time to work on this in class for a few days. Bring your shoe box to school and any materials you may need to complete your diorama.
Complete a book report.Take the AR test.
Independent Read – Fiction
*Choose your own chapter book that is at least 150 pages long.
*Complete the independent packet questions and worksheets. Questions can be answered in your reading journal. Do not read ahead in the book, stick to the reading guide as I have mapped out.
*All questions that are answered in your journal must be labeled with the date and page section.
Making Predictions- Prior to Reading- Monday, May 18, 2009
What made you choose this book? (Answer in your journal, at least 3 complete sentences, will be looking for this).
What do you know about this book or expect to read? (Answer in journal, at least 3 complete sentence responses).
Fill in the first column of the Predicting, Three Column notes, page 77, must have at least 3 predictions in the first column, write neatly.
Read pages 1-20 – Tuesday, May 19, 2009
List the main characters in your journal- the ones you have met this far. Write a description (be very descriptive) for each character, 2 sentences each.
Complete the Sense of Character, page 29, for the main character.
In your journal write a 1 paragraph (5-7 sentences) summary of the first pages. Watch punctuation, sentence structure and handwriting.
Read pages 21-41- Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Think of the characters in this book. Is there one that you have a connection with? Think about this character and complete the Character Connections, page 31.
In your journal, draw an Illustration of an event that is taking place in these pages. Draw about this event, color it, and describe the event (caption) underneath the picture. Looking for time and thought put into this picture and caption.
Read pages 42-62- Friday, May 22, 2009
In your journal summarize these 20 pages in your journal in one paragraph with paragraph structure (5-7 sentences).
Complete the Character Card, page 36.
Read pages 63-83, Tuesday, May 26th
Fill in the Venn-diagram on page 35. Compare yourself to a character in the book. How are you different, and alike? Fill in as best you can.
What has become the problem in the story? In journal summarize this question in one paragraph (5-7 sentences).
Read pages 84-104, Wednesday, May 27th
Think about these pages. Was there a mental connection that you made to something that you read in this section? Copy the paragraph or stanza from the book, and then tell about the connection you had to this section of the book. Did it make you think of something that has happened in your life, in the world, in your inner family/community? Complete this question in your journal.
Read pages 105-125, Thursday, May 28th
Take a quote from this section of reading. Why did you choose this quote? How does this quote speak to you? Write the quote down in your journal with your response.
Create a cartoon conflict from your story. Create speech bubbles. Fill in dialogue (talking among characters) in the cartoon bubbles. Your cartoon conflict should be at least 4 boxes. I have added an example, Cartoon of Conflict, page 48. This should help you with a visual to get started on your own cartoon conflict.
Read pages 126-150, Friday, May 29th, 2009
Take 3 vocabulary words that were difficult for you to understand in this section of reading. Write the words in the boxes, write the definition under each word in each box and then to the right, draw and picture of what the word means.
Create a Poem about the book that you are reading. If can be a particular character or scene in the book.
Read pages 152-180 or to the end.
Complete the problem/solution chart.
Create a Diorama of your book in a shoe box. Make it 3-dimensional if possible. You will have time to work on this in class for a few days. Bring your shoe box to school and any materials you may need to complete your diorama.
Complete a book report.Take the AR test.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
CARE T-Shirts
May 13, 2009
Last week the students came up with their own logo for our CARE (Community Awareness Recycling Education) program. Maggie and Julio combined their designs (which were voted on by the class) to come up with a final design. Maggie took the design home, and with the help of her parents created the logo on the computer. The logo was sent to me and I forwarded it on to the company that will be making our t-shirts. We will wear these t-shirts on our field trip to Olympia next Thursday.
I have asked the company to rush our order so that we have them in time for the field trip. The t-shirts are going to cost $6.50 each. If you would like to order a t-shirt for your child, please send me cash, or a check made out to Stephanie Schmutz in the amount of $6.50. I will be picking up the shirts and paying for them next week. If you plan on buying a t-shirt for your student please have the money to me by this Friday, May 15th. If you have any questions concerning this, please e-mail me at
Thank you very much,
Stephanie Schmutz
PS. I am still in the need of a few drivers to Olympia.
Last week the students came up with their own logo for our CARE (Community Awareness Recycling Education) program. Maggie and Julio combined their designs (which were voted on by the class) to come up with a final design. Maggie took the design home, and with the help of her parents created the logo on the computer. The logo was sent to me and I forwarded it on to the company that will be making our t-shirts. We will wear these t-shirts on our field trip to Olympia next Thursday.
I have asked the company to rush our order so that we have them in time for the field trip. The t-shirts are going to cost $6.50 each. If you would like to order a t-shirt for your child, please send me cash, or a check made out to Stephanie Schmutz in the amount of $6.50. I will be picking up the shirts and paying for them next week. If you plan on buying a t-shirt for your student please have the money to me by this Friday, May 15th. If you have any questions concerning this, please e-mail me at
Thank you very much,
Stephanie Schmutz
PS. I am still in the need of a few drivers to Olympia.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Week 34
May 11, 2009
Thanks to Mr. Kruzner and Maggie for working on our logo for C.A.R.E (Community Awareness Recycling Education), we are hoping to have t-shirts made and ready to go for our trip to Olympia. I will let you know how much the t-shirts will be.
Thanks to Maggie and Julio for coming up with our C.A.R.E logo.
*ITBS is this week! We will be testing each morning from 9-11am. Please make sure your students are getting a good night sleep for these tests, very important.
*Homework will be very light this week. Make sure your children are filling in their reading logs, this is a grade.
*4th grade night is tomorrow, May 12 @ 7pm, please come to chat with middle school teachers.
*May 21st is our field trip to the Capital Building. I am still looking for drivers. I need a confirmation on who will drive. I believe I have Mr. Wheeler and Mrs. Van Leeuwen so far. We will need to meet at school at 8am to guarantee we get to Olympia and find our way by 10am. I have also scheduled a Capital Building tour to begin at 12pm. I think it will be best if the kids pack a sack lunch. Make sure they bring a snack for the morning. As soon as the tour is complete we will load back into the cars and return to school.
*June 5th, Junior Olympics. 4th grade will present Russia, the students, parents, and music teacher are all working together to organize a play, dance and music. Thank you for those involved and helping.
*May 30th Mr. Healy and I are working together on a service learning project. We are looking at visiting a local retirement community to share with them our Russian play and dance. When I have more information from Mr. Healy I will send home a note.
* We had a wonderful visit from our sister school students in Uganda. They came with song and dance and an uplifting spirit. It was a wonderful experience for us.
Math – we continue to work with mixed fractions and improper fractions.
Reading – ITBS time
LA- spelling unit and parts of speech review.
Science – New Unit – Earth and Space science. We just completed our persuasive writing and I will be putting them up in the hall.
Social Studies – Chapter 8, across the Oregon Trail.
Religion – Completed our Saints Research project and they are in the hall. Service Learning project, Prayer!
Week 34
May 11, 2009
Thanks to Mr. Kruzner and Maggie for working on our logo for C.A.R.E (Community Awareness Recycling Education), we are hoping to have t-shirts made and ready to go for our trip to Olympia. I will let you know how much the t-shirts will be.
Thanks to Maggie and Julio for coming up with our C.A.R.E logo.
*ITBS is this week! We will be testing each morning from 9-11am. Please make sure your students are getting a good night sleep for these tests, very important.
*Homework will be very light this week. Make sure your children are filling in their reading logs, this is a grade.
*4th grade night is tomorrow, May 12 @ 7pm, please come to chat with middle school teachers.
*May 21st is our field trip to the Capital Building. I am still looking for drivers. I need a confirmation on who will drive. I believe I have Mr. Wheeler and Mrs. Van Leeuwen so far. We will need to meet at school at 8am to guarantee we get to Olympia and find our way by 10am. I have also scheduled a Capital Building tour to begin at 12pm. I think it will be best if the kids pack a sack lunch. Make sure they bring a snack for the morning. As soon as the tour is complete we will load back into the cars and return to school.
*June 5th, Junior Olympics. 4th grade will present Russia, the students, parents, and music teacher are all working together to organize a play, dance and music. Thank you for those involved and helping.
*May 30th Mr. Healy and I are working together on a service learning project. We are looking at visiting a local retirement community to share with them our Russian play and dance. When I have more information from Mr. Healy I will send home a note.
* We had a wonderful visit from our sister school students in Uganda. They came with song and dance and an uplifting spirit. It was a wonderful experience for us.
Math – we continue to work with mixed fractions and improper fractions.
Reading – ITBS time
LA- spelling unit and parts of speech review.
Science – New Unit – Earth and Space science. We just completed our persuasive writing and I will be putting them up in the hall.
Social Studies – Chapter 8, across the Oregon Trail.
Religion – Completed our Saints Research project and they are in the hall. Service Learning project, Prayer!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Printers in Lab
Printers and server were back on line at the end of the day. Students that were able to print out projects did so.
Angelville News

Bon Dia
Week 33
May 4th, 2009
*Explorer Project Due May 5th, presentations will begin at 1:15pm- Please make sure that your child has completed this project.
*Saint Research Project Due May 6th. Please read the previous blog on this topic.
*Read and fill in Field Trip forms to Olympia.
*Uganda students will be here on Wednesday. There will be a presentation by them at 11am in the cafeteria.
*Early out on Tuesday the 5th, 2pm
*Religion - Sain projects continued, they are due Wednesday. May 6th. Please read through the blog that I posted just before this one about the saint projects. Our server is down at school so the students were not able to print today. Many did not have enough information to print.
*Fractions continue. Today the students were working on Fraction Story problems, you may see some of these coming home. Please help your student if they are having difficulty.
*Reading - ITBS practice. ITBS test will begin on Monday, May 11th. After the test the students will end the year with an independent read. They will choose a book at their level to read independently in class. I will give each student a reading guide to follow as they read. They can answer these questions in their reading journals.
*LA- persuasive writings. I ask that you look over your student's persuasive writing and help them edit their work. It needs to be one written page.
*We will begin a new unit in Science this week.
*Social Studies - Explorers, due Tuesday. I sense that students are beginning to feel the itch of summer and are not putting their best foot forward in completing some of these projects. If we can not get the computers to print in the lab we will need to postpone the Explorer presentations to a later date. We will begin our journey about Russia for Junior Olympics.
Saint Project
Parents, please read over the Saint requirements and make sure that your child has research and answered all of the questions on their Saint sheet. I posted the assignment on the blog last week or the week prior. The project is due this Wednesday, May 6th.
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