Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 36
May 26, 2009

*4th graders Rock! We had so much fun on our field trip to Olympia. The kids were all very well behaved, and represented our school with pride.
*To my drivers to Olympia, Mr. van Hollebeke, Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Emerson and Mrs. van Leuween, you all saved the day. We could not have asked for better weather either.

Sorry that the pics have not gotten up yet. I took my nice camera and I'm still trying to figure how to download them onto the computer, give me a few more days.

*We are taking our walking field trip to the Ballard Manor this Friday @1pm.
*Math tests Friday
*SS test over Chapters 8and9 on Thursday.
*June 4th, Jr. Olympic night in the family center
*June 5th Field Day. If nice the students can wear shorts and t-shirts. Please have them also bring their Jr. Olympic outfits as we will first march around the block.

In Religion we are working on our Service Learning project to Ballard Manor, we also continue to learn and understand the works of Mercy.
In math we are now adding and subtracting fractions. We will take a math chapter test on Friday over fractions.
In reading each student is following their independent reading study guide. Each child's study guide is a tad different depending on their book and the number of pages. Please check to make sure that your student is keeping up with his/her reading.
In Social Studies we will have a chapter test on Thursday, May 28 over chapters 8 and 9 (early Pioneers).
In Science I have attached the Space Science research project guide to the back of the reading log for the week. Each students Space Object research paper will be due next Wednesday the 3rd of June. I have told the students that I do not want them to go home tonight and come in tomorrow with their paper completed. This is a process, most of which will be done in class. If they have fallen behind by next week and are not ready to turn it in on Wednesday, I will notify you personally.

The students will have no additional homework, besides their reading log. Very important to read each night or morning and fill in the log.

Hope you all have marvelous weekends!!

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