Monday, May 11, 2009


Week 34
May 11, 2009

Thanks to Mr. Kruzner and Maggie for working on our logo for C.A.R.E (Community Awareness Recycling Education), we are hoping to have t-shirts made and ready to go for our trip to Olympia. I will let you know how much the t-shirts will be.

Thanks to Maggie and Julio for coming up with our C.A.R.E logo.

*ITBS is this week! We will be testing each morning from 9-11am. Please make sure your students are getting a good night sleep for these tests, very important.
*Homework will be very light this week. Make sure your children are filling in their reading logs, this is a grade.
*4th grade night is tomorrow, May 12 @ 7pm, please come to chat with middle school teachers.
*May 21st is our field trip to the Capital Building. I am still looking for drivers. I need a confirmation on who will drive. I believe I have Mr. Wheeler and Mrs. Van Leeuwen so far. We will need to meet at school at 8am to guarantee we get to Olympia and find our way by 10am. I have also scheduled a Capital Building tour to begin at 12pm. I think it will be best if the kids pack a sack lunch. Make sure they bring a snack for the morning. As soon as the tour is complete we will load back into the cars and return to school.
*June 5th, Junior Olympics. 4th grade will present Russia, the students, parents, and music teacher are all working together to organize a play, dance and music. Thank you for those involved and helping.
*May 30th Mr. Healy and I are working together on a service learning project. We are looking at visiting a local retirement community to share with them our Russian play and dance. When I have more information from Mr. Healy I will send home a note.
* We had a wonderful visit from our sister school students in Uganda. They came with song and dance and an uplifting spirit. It was a wonderful experience for us.

Math – we continue to work with mixed fractions and improper fractions.
Reading – ITBS time
LA- spelling unit and parts of speech review.
Science – New Unit – Earth and Space science. We just completed our persuasive writing and I will be putting them up in the hall.
Social Studies – Chapter 8, across the Oregon Trail.
Religion – Completed our Saints Research project and they are in the hall. Service Learning project, Prayer!

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