Wednesday, May 13, 2009

CARE T-Shirts

May 13, 2009

Last week the students came up with their own logo for our CARE (Community Awareness Recycling Education) program. Maggie and Julio combined their designs (which were voted on by the class) to come up with a final design. Maggie took the design home, and with the help of her parents created the logo on the computer. The logo was sent to me and I forwarded it on to the company that will be making our t-shirts. We will wear these t-shirts on our field trip to Olympia next Thursday.

I have asked the company to rush our order so that we have them in time for the field trip. The t-shirts are going to cost $6.50 each. If you would like to order a t-shirt for your child, please send me cash, or a check made out to Stephanie Schmutz in the amount of $6.50. I will be picking up the shirts and paying for them next week. If you plan on buying a t-shirt for your student please have the money to me by this Friday, May 15th. If you have any questions concerning this, please e-mail me at

Thank you very much,
Stephanie Schmutz

PS. I am still in the need of a few drivers to Olympia.

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