Monday, September 28, 2009

Angelville Week 4

Bon Dia
Week 4
September 28, 2009

· All of the 4th grade Newspapers
· Meeting all of the parents who came to Open House night.

· Uniform dress on Mass day
· Non-uniform day on Friday, October 2nd

· In math we will continue our unit in multiplication. Identifying factors and multiples of a number. Multiplication of two-digit numbers.
· In reading we will continue our Maniac Magee book, Chapters 12-17. I will post the chapter questions on the blog. Quiz over these chapters will be next Monday.
· In religion we continue to look up bible versus on Stewardship. We will begin the 10 Commandments.
· Spelling pre-test Monday, and test on Friday. If a student gets 100% on their pre-test they do not have to take the test on Friday. This week spelling words center around long vowel sounds.
· In LA we will begin a new program called Bridges to Understanding. We will begin a multi-lesson project to create our own digital story. This non-profit organization started in Seattle a few years ago and is designed to bridge schools in other countries to one another. Once the digital stories are completed they will be posted on the Bridges to Understanding web site. All member of the program can then watch digit stories from other students in other countries. I will send more information about this program home.
· Social Studies – geography of Washington. Weather patterns in Washington.
· Hoping to organize a field trip to Seattle’s Public Library downtown. MIT students have created an exhibit on tracking garbage from beginning to end.

Have a great first week of October!

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