Monday, October 5, 2009

Newlsetter, Week 5

Bon Dia
Week 5
October 5, 2009
Trivia: Anyone know the location of this building? Just for fun!

I want to thank Mrs. Endres for helping us make it to our field trip destination and back to school today. It was a beautiful day to travel into the city and the students were super. Thanks again Mrs. Endres for your support.

I also want to thank Mrs. Serwarld for meeting us at the library and then showing us a great place to enjoy our lunches outside in the sun.

No school on Friday, October 9. Teacher in-service day.
Early out Tuesday, 2:00pm, October 6th, Staff meetings.

* In religion this week the students will be working in groups on Good Samaritan Stories. We read a Good Samaritan story last week written by a gentleman named Kunle Oguneye, from Nigeria. I met him a few weeks back and he will be joining us at some point this year to talk about his African version of the Good Samaritan.
In math this week we are working with factors of a number, multiples of numbers and will work our way into two-digit numbers multiplied by one-digit number, and two-digit numbers multiplied by two-digit numbers.
In Reading we continue to work on our Maniac Magee book. On Tuesday we will take our Chapter 12-17 quiz and then begin work on chapters 18-21. I will post the study guide on the blog.
In Spelling we are on Unit 4, the long e vowel sound words. In English we will review compound subjects, compound predicates, and direct objects. We will take a mini quiz on these towards the end of the week. We will also move forward to look at subject complements, compound sentences and run-on sentences.
In Social studies we continue to map out Washington State, talk about its weather patterns, and regions. We will begin to work our way into the 5 themes of Geography as we talk about Washington.
Science, we took our field trip to the Trash Tracker Exhibit, ask your child to tell you a little bit of what they learned today about trash and how it is tracked.

Have a nice week! Enjoy the nice brisk fall weather this week.

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