Monday, October 12, 2009

Angelville News Week 6

Bon Dia
Week 6
October 12, 2009

Make sure your child is in full uniform for masses on Tuesdays
Full week school this week
Conference slips for conference times will be going out this week
Please check and sign your child’s planner each and every night

In Religion this week we will complete our Good Samaritan Stories in the computer lab and illustrate them.
In math we continue to work with double digit multiplication and rocket math practice.
In reading we will begin Maniac Magee chapters 18-21. I will post the work on the blog. On Friday the work for these chapters will need to be turned in and there will be a quiz.
In Spelling we will be studying words with the long i sound. Tomorrow there will be a mini quiz in English on simple and compound subjects and predicates. Included in that quiz will be direct objects, and run-on sentences. We will review those today in English. Tomorrow we will begin to look at the different types of nouns.

In writing we have been working on sending letters to our favorite authors. I will submit these letters to Washington's Secretary of State. We are participating in Letters about Literature. It is a writing contest for readers grades 4-12. There are prizes for top winners. Top letters will go on to the National Level to be judged. We will hear back on the letters in December. We will be doing a great amount of writing in 4th grade this year.
In Social Studies we will look at weather of Washington State and land formations. We will also continue to work on lessons in our Bridges to Understanding curriculum. The shorter weeks have impaired some of this work.

If you need to contact me you can e-mail me at or call school and I will call you back.

Have a great week!

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