Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Science Projects

This is a picture test! Wanted to share some of the science projects on the blog. I am still working with the computer tech person to see if we can clear this blockage.

Angelville News

March 30, 2010
Week 28 - Holy Week

The Student science projects were great! I am in the process of assessing each one of them. Students who have already received theirs were the ones who had their science packets with the assessments attached and the science project report write up. Those who still had their project write-up received +10 extra credit points. For those who have not yet received their assessments I need to print new ones out.

* Stations of the Cross on Friday morning in the church at 9am
* School dismissal at noon on Friday
* No after school care on Friday
* Spring Break next week - not sure I really needed to mention that one!

I apologize for the late newsletter this week. This morning I was working with the computer tech guy to see why I have been having some trouble with my blog. I am also working on a few grants to help fund a few programs for the school.

This week we continue to work on algebra: probability, data/charts, mean/median/mode, and problem solving.
In reading this week we will complete up to chapter 6. Those students that are ahead will go on at their own pace. I have copied new chapters for those students who do not have books. I will post the next few chapter questions on the blog today.
In LA we will continue to finish up our Fantasy Stories. I wanted to get started on Expository writings, but I do not think that we are going to have time. We will begin that after Spring Break. The students will choose an artist to write a 5 paragraph expository writing on their artist and then create an art project inspired by their artist. When we begin this I will post the project outline on the blog.
In Religion this week we will go through the stations of the cross in the class. We will also follow as Jesus moves from Death to New Life through prayer, and writings.

Hoping everyone has a good week! If you have any questions please e-mail me at mizschmutz@gmail.com

Monday, March 22, 2010

Angelville News

Week 27
March 22, 2010

Many Thanks to my chaperone's (Jerry, Maureen and David), who went to Carkeek park with us last week. It was great fun. I want to post some pics of the day, but need to talk with the computer tech guy as I am still having trouble posting pictures.
* Field Trip to the SAM is on Wednesday, March 24, we will leave on the metro at 11:15, please make sure you pack your student a sack lunch. Thank You!
* Science Fair/ Art Exhibit/ Book Fair, all Wednesday, March 24, 6-8pm. 4th grade Science Projects will be displayed in the Library.
* Order some plants for your home or garden; edible plants, hanging baskets, vegetables, garden plants and perennials from now until April 15th through the plant sale going out this week in the AA. Plant Sale pick up will be after school on April 23rd fron 3-5. Proceeds go to help the garden and composting program.

* I have attached the study guide for the first three chapters of The Lost Wagon Train to the blog.
*In reading this week we will continue with chapters 2-3 in The Lost Wagon Train. My LA class is working on Fantasy Stories, I am hoping they will finish up with those by the end of the week.
* In math this week we will begin our Algebra and Graphing unit. We are ahead of schedule in our math curriculum so I wanted to spend some time on division last week.
* In religion this week we will be talking about the stations of the cross and the Rosary. We are going to say the Rosary on Friday. We will also finish up our CRS curriculum as we travel to Ethiopia.
* Science Fair - YIPPEE! Looks like everyone is ready to go!


The Lost Wagon Train, First few Chapters


RESTATE your answers.
Chapter 1 (pg. 7-19)
Who do you think is the main character in the book?
What is her personality like?
How many wagons were in their train?
What chore did Retta have to do? What was she picking up?
What did Retta really want to buy?
Dream Weaver handout.

Chapter 2 (pg. 20-29)
Who is Ansley? What did Retta dream would happen to Ansley?
Why did Retta have 2 burlap sacks on her shoulders? What did Retta challenge the girls to do?
What happened to Retta when she reached her wagon?
When Retta finally got to her feet and spun around what did she see her 3 friends doing?
Who are her three friends?
What was the Colonel Graves worried about?
What is Retta’s real name?
Why was Retta going to the river by herself?

Chapter 3 (pg. 30-39)
After Retta spoke with her father in the brush, they had decided she would go and find Benjamin and let him know that a storm was coming and that he should turn back to the wagon train. What did Retta stop to pick up? What did she use if for?
What river was the wagon train following?
On page 33, why did Retta start to panic?
If you were in Retta’s shoes, what would you have done?
What was the whimper and cry Retta heard when she was trying to find her way back to the wagon train?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 26, March 15, 2010

Tonight at 5:45 in library, school commissions meeting.
Report Cards go home on Tuesday.
Wednesday Students may wear ‘GREEN” for St. Patty’s day!
Wednesday morning is the honor role breakfast, if your middle school child is on the honor role, your 4th grader may join you for breakfast in the cafeteria, please send me a note.
Wednesday, Jog-a-thon kick off assembly.
Thursday, Field trip to Carkeek park, return of the salmon. Students need to bring a sack lunch to school, we will be eating in the classroom before we leave or the park.
Friday, March 19, no school, teacher development day.

This week we will spend the next 4 days working on long division. Next Monday we will begin our next math unit, Algebra.
In reading we are going to begin The Lost Wagon Train tomorrow. Once I have the study guide completed I will post it on the blog.
Homework packets go home today and need to be returned on Thursday. There is a study guide for this packet. For some reason the study packets did not come with the teacher’s addition last week.
We will wrap up our science projects, some of the students have already completed theirs and they look really nice. Way to go!
In religion we will travel to the country of Nicaragua. I am hoping to invite my cousin’s husband in who she met in the Peace Core in Nicaragua, he has only been in this country since last July. His name is Moises.
In Social Studies we are going to begin to assign students to roles for our Bridges story we are going to do, Becoming a Sustainable School.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Angelville News

March 9, 2010
Week 25

I wanted to compliment the 4th graders for grand reviews from their Substitute Teachers on their behavior from last Friday and Monday. I was away for medical reasons, and am happy to be back today.
The Last Wagon Trail books are coming in and we will begin this book on Monday. In reading, the past week and a half we have read about some explorers by sea, and now we have begun to read about immigrants who began to travel out west on the Oregon Trail post Lewis and Clark. The Lost Wagon Train will compliment this next Social Studies Unit, Missionaries. If we do not end up with enough books, I will copy the chapters for your student.

In Religion we continue with the CRS curriculum, this week we will travel to Afghanistan and learn how CRS has helped young boys and girls attend school.

Tomorrow the students have their Geometry/Measurement Unit Test. The students were given review sheets last week and had many days to study and were assigned review sheets in the book to prepare for this test. Please review with your student tonight for the test. Toward the end of the week we will spend some time on long division. Long division is not part of the 4th grade math curriculum according OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), however, I find it important that the students have a good understanding of division and the steps to follow prior to- 5th grade.

In Science we continue to work on our Science Projects. Getting to the Lab every chance we can. Please have your student bring in his display board by the beginning of next week. If you have trouble getting one of these, please let me know.

March 18th – Field Trip to Carkeek Park
March 19th – No schoolAdd to Calendar:

March 24th – SAM Field Trip (will take city bus)
March 24th – Science Fair 6-8pm School (also art fair and scholastic book sale)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Angelville News, Back on the Blog

Angelville News, Back on the BLOG
Bon Dia
Week 24, March 2, 2010

There had been some computer re-doing and the blog had been blocked from our access here at school. Problem has been fixed, and we are back to the Bon Dia being on the site, www.angelville4.blogspot.com.

With the new garden going in there will be more pictures and information in the future on the blog, so when you find a free moment check it periodically.

I have been really impressed with the students work and writing. I hope some of you have had the opportunity to see their work outside the classroom. I am really excited to see the end projects for the Science fair.

There will be a Green Team meeting tomorrow after school at 3pm, hoping to do some work in the garden till 3:30pm.

This week in religion we continue our CRS curriculum. This week we will travel to Bolivia and find out how CRS has helped a community in need. In reading we are reading about some of the first explorers who came over to the west by sea. Some of the students have already brought in their books, The Lost Wagon Train; as soon as I receive the ones that I ordered we will begin the book towards the end of next week.

This week in math will mostly review for our Unit Test on Geometry and Measurement. This math test will be Wednesday, March 10th. Our afternoons will be spent in the computer lab working on our Science Fair projects.

Loving the Warmer Days!