Monday, March 15, 2010

Week 26, March 15, 2010

Tonight at 5:45 in library, school commissions meeting.
Report Cards go home on Tuesday.
Wednesday Students may wear ‘GREEN” for St. Patty’s day!
Wednesday morning is the honor role breakfast, if your middle school child is on the honor role, your 4th grader may join you for breakfast in the cafeteria, please send me a note.
Wednesday, Jog-a-thon kick off assembly.
Thursday, Field trip to Carkeek park, return of the salmon. Students need to bring a sack lunch to school, we will be eating in the classroom before we leave or the park.
Friday, March 19, no school, teacher development day.

This week we will spend the next 4 days working on long division. Next Monday we will begin our next math unit, Algebra.
In reading we are going to begin The Lost Wagon Train tomorrow. Once I have the study guide completed I will post it on the blog.
Homework packets go home today and need to be returned on Thursday. There is a study guide for this packet. For some reason the study packets did not come with the teacher’s addition last week.
We will wrap up our science projects, some of the students have already completed theirs and they look really nice. Way to go!
In religion we will travel to the country of Nicaragua. I am hoping to invite my cousin’s husband in who she met in the Peace Core in Nicaragua, he has only been in this country since last July. His name is Moises.
In Social Studies we are going to begin to assign students to roles for our Bridges story we are going to do, Becoming a Sustainable School.

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