Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Angelville News

March 30, 2010
Week 28 - Holy Week

The Student science projects were great! I am in the process of assessing each one of them. Students who have already received theirs were the ones who had their science packets with the assessments attached and the science project report write up. Those who still had their project write-up received +10 extra credit points. For those who have not yet received their assessments I need to print new ones out.

* Stations of the Cross on Friday morning in the church at 9am
* School dismissal at noon on Friday
* No after school care on Friday
* Spring Break next week - not sure I really needed to mention that one!

I apologize for the late newsletter this week. This morning I was working with the computer tech guy to see why I have been having some trouble with my blog. I am also working on a few grants to help fund a few programs for the school.

This week we continue to work on algebra: probability, data/charts, mean/median/mode, and problem solving.
In reading this week we will complete up to chapter 6. Those students that are ahead will go on at their own pace. I have copied new chapters for those students who do not have books. I will post the next few chapter questions on the blog today.
In LA we will continue to finish up our Fantasy Stories. I wanted to get started on Expository writings, but I do not think that we are going to have time. We will begin that after Spring Break. The students will choose an artist to write a 5 paragraph expository writing on their artist and then create an art project inspired by their artist. When we begin this I will post the project outline on the blog.
In Religion this week we will go through the stations of the cross in the class. We will also follow as Jesus moves from Death to New Life through prayer, and writings.

Hoping everyone has a good week! If you have any questions please e-mail me at mizschmutz@gmail.com

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