Monday, March 22, 2010

The Lost Wagon Train, First few Chapters


RESTATE your answers.
Chapter 1 (pg. 7-19)
Who do you think is the main character in the book?
What is her personality like?
How many wagons were in their train?
What chore did Retta have to do? What was she picking up?
What did Retta really want to buy?
Dream Weaver handout.

Chapter 2 (pg. 20-29)
Who is Ansley? What did Retta dream would happen to Ansley?
Why did Retta have 2 burlap sacks on her shoulders? What did Retta challenge the girls to do?
What happened to Retta when she reached her wagon?
When Retta finally got to her feet and spun around what did she see her 3 friends doing?
Who are her three friends?
What was the Colonel Graves worried about?
What is Retta’s real name?
Why was Retta going to the river by herself?

Chapter 3 (pg. 30-39)
After Retta spoke with her father in the brush, they had decided she would go and find Benjamin and let him know that a storm was coming and that he should turn back to the wagon train. What did Retta stop to pick up? What did she use if for?
What river was the wagon train following?
On page 33, why did Retta start to panic?
If you were in Retta’s shoes, what would you have done?
What was the whimper and cry Retta heard when she was trying to find her way back to the wagon train?

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