Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Angelville News


Week 33, May 11, 2010

I apologize for the late Newsletter. I was without my computer yesterday.


*Annie Cast, what a great job each and everyone of those students did to contribute to the beauty of that musical.

*Great sunny weekend, YAY!

*4th graders for always working as a team! You all are great!


*3-4 Science club on Friday

*4th grade field trip to Edmonds Beach on Thursday, keeping my fingers crossed that it is a great day! Make sure to pack your kids a sack lunch we will enjoy our lunch at the beach.

*Good night sleeps and breakfast this week, ITBS testing

*May take the kids down the street on Friday to visit a community members garden who wants to be active in our school garden. Will send home a note if we do. She just lives a few blocks.


*Well as you probably know we are in the throws of the ITBS testing all this week, so our curriculum is minimal. We are still working on our Bridges story and your student may be asked to capture a picture around our home. You may see one of the school's cameras coming home. I believe we will have a visit from a Bridges Member this week to help us record our story and match up the pictures.

*The students are working on researching their Saints in the lab. They were all given a requirement sheet of information to gather and the rubric that they will be assessed on. If they follow the rubric they should receive a perfect score. This project is all up to them. At this point int he year I need to see that they are self learners and are able to handle this project on their own. I am only asking for 3 paragraphs on their Saint, making sure they are able to capture all of the information in those 3 paragraphs.

*We will work ahead in our SS curriculum and the birth of Seattle in reading. We are also moving forward in our Science, Sun-Moon-Stars-and layers of the earth.

Have a Sunny Week!

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