Monday, May 24, 2010

Week 35, May 24, 2010

To our SUPER chaperones; Dave, Star, Maureen, that made the long trip down to the Capital Campus with us. We had a great day. We had the amazing opportunity to sit on the House floor in the rep. big leather chairs and hear from one of the representatives from Federal Way. According to our guide she had never seen that before. No one is invited on the floor, we were guessing it was a case of being in the right place at the right time. Upon entering into the Capital Building there was a student choir on all three levels singing Bach. It sounded like angels singing, very special.

7:00pm June 3rd, Junior Olympic Performances in the gym.
Friday, June 4th Junior Olympics and lunch from the different countries. Early out.

We are wrapping up our year. I am going to give a time line of what to expect in the next few weeks of 4th grade.

Math: We will begin to review our different math units learned this year. We will have a final Math test on Wednesday, June 9th. I will hand out that review guide to the students today. We will also have a math quiz this Friday the 28th over our Solving Problem unit.
Religion: The students have turned in their Saint Reports. The students will present their Saint Reports to the class on Wednesday, May 26th. They will also write to the Saint in their own life who resembles likeness to the Saint they did their reports on. We will have a visit from Deacon Joe on Thursday, a visit from a community member about being goods stewards of the earth and gardening, today. We will also work out a day where we can walk down and see her community garden here in Ballard. When we decide on that day I will send home a slip for you to sign since we will be crossing 14th. The remaining days we will work in the garden, planting, weeding, and just plain tending.
Reading/Social Studies: This Friday, June 28th we will have a quiz over chapters 11-13. We will also continue to read through chapters 14-16 in the Social Studies book. Much of what we are now reading about we saw and experienced on our Capital Building visit. The quiz for Chapters 14-16 will be on June 3rd. The students will begin to explore a company in Washington/Seattle today. They will work on this project in pairs. They will present their company to the class on Thursday, June 10th. We will start this company project late this week, Wednesday or Thursday. I will be conducting QRI assessments to those students who read at or below a 4th grade reading level at the beginning of the year. If your student read at a middle school level at the beginning of the year I will not re-give him/her the QRI (Qualitative Reading Inquiry).
Science: We will go through the Sun, Moon, and Stars Foss kit; this will take us to the end of the year. This test will be the last week of school; I’m not sure the date yet.
LA: In our English Voyages book we will continue parts of speech with adverbs. We will also write our own versions of the book; There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Fly. I will be driving over to the teacher learning store to pick up these books. Boxes of 10 books are sold for $30. I ask that you send in $3 dollars for your student’s book.
Bridges: We hope to finalize the bridges editing this week. I would like to invite all of the families in to see our digital story the last week of school. I will let you know on the date when we have finished the story.

Have a great week :)

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