Monday, May 17, 2010

Angelville News


Week 34, May 17, 2010

WOW! Can't believe we are in week 34!


*Dave, Maureen, and Monica for driving to Edmond's. We couldn't have had a better day! Great Field Trip, kids were SUPER!

*4th graders for their continual garden stewardship. We had a nice time showing the garden to the Pre-kers last Friday. The 4th graders showed them around, explained what was growing and then read stories to them in the garden on the tree stumps from Nora's yard. We love the stumps to sit on Nora, Thank You!


*Olympia Field Trip this Friday, 21. We will leave right at 8:30am and return just before the end of the day. Students will need to wear their Green Team t-shirts and uniform shorts or pants. Hoping it will be another nice day.


*This week we are going to finish up our Saints' reports. We will work in the lab to finish these. I will collect them on Thursday. In Math we will continue with our Problem Solving Unit. Due to the ITBS tests last week, we didn't do much math. In reading/S.S. we will read Chapters 14-16 in our SS book and answer the questions at the end of the chapters. The test for this unit will be the last week of school. I will give you plenty of notice and a review guide prior to the test date. In L.A. we will review parts of speech, and next week we will write our own There was an....................who......................, books. We also continue to finish up our Digital Story. We recorded the audio last week and will begin to plug in the digital pictures this week. There are still some shots I need the students to capture. I will put together a shot list today and please let me know if you can help your student capture these shots.

Have a great week!

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