Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26, 2011

Bon Dia, Good Day!

It was wonderful to see all of you at Curriculum Night last week! Thank you again for sharing your wonderful students with me this year. The #1 teacher in a student’s life is their parents. I look forward to being your partner this year as we work together to support your student

* Each week we will have a new ROCK STAR! Our first Rock Star this week is Catherine! Catherine will be featured all week. She is also able to bring in things to share with the other students. Each student will have the opportunity to be the Angelville Community Rock Star!

*Each week a Homework packet will go home on Monday to be returned on Friday. This week they will have a reading log to keep track of as well as a TFK (Time for Kids Magazine). There is a worksheet attached to the magazine. They will also need to complete the questions that are also in the magazine.

READERS/WRITERS WORKSHOP – EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!!! Last week in Writers Workshop we were working on mini stories. The students finished their Front Page News Papers! They are on display for you all to enjoy outside of the classroom on the wall. We continue to work on Personal mini stories. This week we will talk about writing little ‘seed’ stories, not big ‘watermelon’ stories. We will also finish up our ‘Hello Good-bye Window’ stories. I hope to create a window outside the classroom to put these stories up for all to enjoy.

In Readers Workshop this week we will concentrate on the world in which we are transported to when we read our books. We will also be looking at the Mental Movie that is playing in our heads as we read our books. I will spend time going around and conferencing with all of the students about their books.

MATH – In 4th grade math this week we will continue to work on rounding and place value, multi-step word problems, money, time and multiplying factors.

RELIGION – This week we will start our Steps to Respect, anti-bullying program. Last week we talked about the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit lives in each and every one of us. The Holy Spirit guides us in making the right choices and decisions. I had asked the students to bring in the names of their family members including their grandparents and great-grandparents. I told them that they may need some help from home with all of the names and on which side of the family they are on. We will be talking about out own family Trees.


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