Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Studies Weekly Quiz on Friday 9/30/11

There will be a Social Studies Quiz on Friday over what we have been learning in our Social Studies Weekly Newspapers. This year in SS we will study Maps/globes/atlases, and learn about communities in Washington and the US along with various communities in other parts of the world and how they are similar or different from ours.

What to Expect to know for the quiz: ( we will also go over this in class)

*List several things community members share.

* What does a compass rose show?

*Name the seven continents

*What are the cardinal directions?

*What are the intermediate directions?

*What is the line that divides the Western Hemisphere from the Eastern Hemisphere?

*What is the name of the line that divides the Northern Hemisphere from the Southern Hemisphere?

*What hemisphere do you live in?

*What are the names of the vertical lines that run across the globe East and West.

*What are the horizontal lines that run across the glob going North and South.

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