Week 24
Sebastian is our Rock Star this week!!!
A few very important notices:
*All Biography reports are due with write-up and project on Wednesday, February 29th.
*Oral project presentations will be February 29 and March 1st.
*For Lent one way we grow is by helping others. We again are collecting food for a food drive. Our second 'One Saturday" will be March 10, in Burlington. It is a wonderful experience for students and parents. Please remind your students to bring in food for the next 2 weeks. My students wanted to shoot for 4 items each week.
*Science Fair will be March 28th. As soon as our Biography reports are complete I will explain the Science Fair and project. The entire projects is to be done at home this year. I will send home the outline and expectations for all parents to read through with their student.
*In Writers Workshop we will begin to work on out Thesis statements for our Essays. In Readers Workshop we will continue reading our Maniac Magee book and walk beside the characters in each book that we read. I have begun to send home little updates on your students reading progress. All and any additional support from home is recommended.
Have a great Week!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Angelville News, February 21-24, 2012
Week 23
I hope Everyone had a wonderful 4 days off. I had a relaxing few days up in Port Angeles watching my son play basketball. I enjoyed running all over the cute port town and watching boats of various size and color come in and out of the harbor. So fun to experience new places. And since I am a water lover, it is a real treat.
This short week will be a busy one. The students are working on a book report on a famous African American who made an impact in history. Their one task over the break was to collect books written about their person, and read as much as they could so that when they came back to school today they were ready to begin their project. Many students were not ready, had not gone to the library and had not picked up any books. These students are now behind. I will send a note to each parent who's student did not gather any Biographys on their African American over the break. Your student has all of the information they need to complete this project, the only part we will be doing in school is the write up. The book report activity will need to be done at home. All reports need to be finished by Tuesday, February 28. Project presentations will be presented Wednesday and Thursday of next week. If you have any questions or concerns with this project you need to contact me.
This week we will celebrate Ash Wednesday on Wednesday the 22 at 9:00 am in church. This week we will also learn about what is on our foreheads and the history of Lent.
In Writers Workshop we will be creating Essay writing from Narrative writing.
In Readers Workshop we will be reading about our African Americans in history.
Have a great week!!!
Week 23
I hope Everyone had a wonderful 4 days off. I had a relaxing few days up in Port Angeles watching my son play basketball. I enjoyed running all over the cute port town and watching boats of various size and color come in and out of the harbor. So fun to experience new places. And since I am a water lover, it is a real treat.
This short week will be a busy one. The students are working on a book report on a famous African American who made an impact in history. Their one task over the break was to collect books written about their person, and read as much as they could so that when they came back to school today they were ready to begin their project. Many students were not ready, had not gone to the library and had not picked up any books. These students are now behind. I will send a note to each parent who's student did not gather any Biographys on their African American over the break. Your student has all of the information they need to complete this project, the only part we will be doing in school is the write up. The book report activity will need to be done at home. All reports need to be finished by Tuesday, February 28. Project presentations will be presented Wednesday and Thursday of next week. If you have any questions or concerns with this project you need to contact me.
This week we will celebrate Ash Wednesday on Wednesday the 22 at 9:00 am in church. This week we will also learn about what is on our foreheads and the history of Lent.
In Writers Workshop we will be creating Essay writing from Narrative writing.
In Readers Workshop we will be reading about our African Americans in history.
Have a great week!!!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Angelville News, February 13- 16, 2012
Good Day Everyone! Today we celebrated Maya's 1/2 Birthday with Krispy Kreme Donuts, YUM!!! Thanks Maya.
Tomorrow is Valentines Day! We will be in our regular uniform dress since we will be going to mass in the morning. We will have a little party in the afternoon, with pizza, cookies, punch, Valentine treats from our friends, and a movie. There is no need to send a big lunch with your kids. We will be enjoying pizza around 1:15pm tomorrow.
*Winter Break February 17-20th, YAYAYA!
This week in Writers Workshop we will continue to write as Essayists. In Readers Workshop we will dive into our characters and become one with them.
In 4th Math my hexagons will take their decimal/fraction test and then we will begin a new unit, Area and Perimeter.
In Religion we will be visited by Sr. Liz who will talk with the students about LENT. Sr. Liz can and spoke with us about Advent. She is very hands-on with the students and is able to speak with them on their level of understanding.
Spelling this week we have words with Suffixes. I will correct and send back the adjective tests and introduce VERBS! A BIG YAY to our two Spelling Finalists, Brynne and Sam, they did wonderful in the Spelling Bee on Friday up in front of the school. Hats off to you both.
In Science I will begin to talk with the students about the Science Fair. This year it will be on March 28th. All 3/4 graders are in the Science Fair.
Have a Wonderful Week!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Valentines Day Party

Good Day Parents,
The students would like to have a Pizza Party on Valentines Day. I have asked all of the students to bring in $2 and I will order the pizza Tuesday Morning to be delivered about 12:45. I thought the party could start at 1:00-2:45pm.
All of the students are invited to make Valentines for 'OUR' class. It is just too much to make them for both classes. With that being said I did tell the students that if they had a few Valentines left over in their pack that they could make one for a friend in the other class.
Maya would like to volunteer her mom (Kate) to make her homemade Fruit Punch. If you do not want to do this we could get juice or soda instead.
The students also would like to have cookies.
After our Pizza we will watch a movie. I will look for a good, clean Valentine's Day movie.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks
Monday, February 6, 2012
Angelville News February 6-10, 2012

Week 21
*Hope everyone enjoyed the sunny weekend and Super Bowl yesterday. I know that I did! I took many walks/runs over the weekend! I had a very happy dog!
*Friday morning we have our monthly Prayer Service put on by the 2nd graders.
*Friday at 2pm we will have our annual Spelling Bee. The participants for 3rd grade are Sam and Brynne. Our 4th graders are Tate and Truman from 3/4 East, CONGRATULATIONS STUDENTS!!
WRITERS WORKSHOP - we continue to work on Essays writing.
READERS WORKSHOP - Sharing our stories with our reading partners, and Detailing Predictions to bring our Personalities. Last week the students wrote and illustrated what Predictions they have and how they think their stories will unfold. Good Readers take what they know about their stories and characters and are constantly predicting what will come next.
4th MATH - The Triangles started with Decimals today and will continue learning about Decimals throughout the week. The Hexagons will finish up with Decimals this week and take a test on Friday Wednesday. Early next week they will take the Fraction/Decimal Unit test. I will hand out a review sheet on Wednesday to practice for this Unit TEST!
RELIGION - This week in our religion books we will read how 'Jesus Teaches US to Love and Care. We will take a quiz on this Chapter on Friday. I will make copies of the Chapter for each student.
S.S. - Studies Weekly #14, The Great City of Seattle.
Science - TFK - Saving the Nautilus, creatures in trouble.
Enjoy the Gorgeous Day.......Lets hope it's all week!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Rock Star Arjun

Arjun was our ROCK STAR last week! Arjun has had super success in chess. He has played in many tournaments and done very well. He usually plays up in years due to his true gift for the game. Arjun brings wonderful conversation pieces to our classroom. We all have a better understanding of the Indian culture due to Arjun. Arjun is a dedicated student and wonderful positive influence in Angelville.
Rock Star Kealan

I have forgotten a few posts for our very special Rock Stars!
Kealan is an important piece in our 3/4 West puzzle. Kealan is known for his love of sports, especially Football. Kealan is a kind student who cares about the well being of the other students in the classroom. Kealan had a wonderful opportunity in the fall to travel to Italy and Ireland with his family. He cam home with many wonderful stories to share. We are lucky to have Kealan in our class.
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