Monday, February 6, 2012

Angelville News February 6-10, 2012


Week 21

*Hope everyone enjoyed the sunny weekend and Super Bowl yesterday. I know that I did! I took many walks/runs over the weekend! I had a very happy dog!

*Friday morning we have our monthly Prayer Service put on by the 2nd graders.

*Friday at 2pm we will have our annual Spelling Bee. The participants for 3rd grade are Sam and Brynne. Our 4th graders are Tate and Truman from 3/4 East, CONGRATULATIONS STUDENTS!!

WRITERS WORKSHOP - we continue to work on Essays writing.

READERS WORKSHOP - Sharing our stories with our reading partners, and Detailing Predictions to bring our Personalities. Last week the students wrote and illustrated what Predictions they have and how they think their stories will unfold. Good Readers take what they know about their stories and characters and are constantly predicting what will come next.

4th MATH - The Triangles started with Decimals today and will continue learning about Decimals throughout the week. The Hexagons will finish up with Decimals this week and take a test on Friday Wednesday. Early next week they will take the Fraction/Decimal Unit test. I will hand out a review sheet on Wednesday to practice for this Unit TEST!

RELIGION - This week in our religion books we will read how 'Jesus Teaches US to Love and Care. We will take a quiz on this Chapter on Friday. I will make copies of the Chapter for each student.

S.S. - Studies Weekly #14, The Great City of Seattle.

Science - TFK - Saving the Nautilus, creatures in trouble.

Enjoy the Gorgeous Day.......Lets hope it's all week!

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