Monday, February 27, 2012

Angelville News, February 27- March 2

Week 24

Sebastian is our Rock Star this week!!!

A few very important notices:
*All Biography reports are due with write-up and project on Wednesday, February 29th.
*Oral project presentations will be February 29 and March 1st.

*For Lent one way we grow is by helping others. We again are collecting food for a food drive. Our second 'One Saturday" will be March 10, in Burlington. It is a wonderful experience for students and parents. Please remind your students to bring in food for the next 2 weeks. My students wanted to shoot for 4 items each week.

*Science Fair will be March 28th. As soon as our Biography reports are complete I will explain the Science Fair and project. The entire projects is to be done at home this year. I will send home the outline and expectations for all parents to read through with their student.

*In Writers Workshop we will begin to work on out Thesis statements for our Essays. In Readers Workshop we will continue reading our Maniac Magee book and walk beside the characters in each book that we read. I have begun to send home little updates on your students reading progress. All and any additional support from home is recommended.

Have a great Week!!

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