Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Angelville News, March 6-9th, 2012


Week 25

Yesterday the teachers enjoyed a wonderful day in the convent with the sisters. Sr. Marium led us in a Lenten retreat, and then we enjoyed an Italian potluck together, it was wonderful!

Lent means Spring. We are walking with the Lord on his journey this lent. At the same time we are spending time thinking about out own journeys in life. The Holy Father sent out a letter for Lent encouraging everyone to, "Care for Others." We are showing our 'CARE' as we gather food for our friends up in Burlington. Our goal was to bring in 157 cans of food. I have not counted all of the food, but I know it is not 157 cans yet. Please help support our food drive and send in food with your student this week.

Today, Mrs. Rappe is going to come in and take a mini video of the students and their WONDERFUL Black History Month projects. Our plan is to send it to Oprah. I wrote a letter to Oprah since one of my students read a Biogrpahy about her and then created a wonderful poem. I thought Oprah would love to see it.

On Friday we will have a Prayer Service at 8:45am if anyone would like to join. Our prayer service will be next month and my plan is to have it in the garden. I am hoping that later this week (hoping Thursday) we can get into the garden and do some cleaning up. Please let me know if there are any parents out there who would like to join us. I will stop and grab a bunch of gloves for the students. As soon as we get the garden all cleaned up we can begin to plant and watch our garden grow. Every year it is very exciting! A bit hit for the students in the Spring.

I will explain the Science Fair to the students today. Please look for the Science Fair packet coming home today. Their science experiments will all be done at home this year. The Science Fair will be on March 28 in the evening in the school. Another wonderful St. Al's event.

This week we will finish up our Lenten poems to go along with our created Lenten flowers. Please fill free to come in and see our Lenten garden.

There has been some cases of lice in the school. Checking your students head is a good idea. We have not had any cases in our class. I say the word Lice, an immediately scratch my head, lol!

Bring on the SUN this week!!!

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