Monday, March 19, 2012

Angelville News, March 19-23


Week 27

*Hope everyone had a wonderful St. Patricks Day! I was invited to the Sounders game and had a blast!

*Science Fair boards need to be to school no later than March 27 (that's a Tuesday, week from tomorrow).

*If your child is working on a science project with another student in the classroom and they are having trouble getting together to complete the project, then BOTH STUDENTS NEED TO DO THE PROJECT, and then can compare their findings.

*All grades will go home tomorrow! We are in our final trimester, working hard and putting best effort forward is essential. Any additional support from home to make sure your student has all of their belongings prior to heading out the door is greatly appreciated.

-In our WW we will finish up our ESSAY's this week, YAY!

-In Religion we started the stations of the cross. We will walk along side Jesus on our board in the hall, Each day we will add a new station.

-Math, both groups are in our measurement/geometry unit.

If you have any questions about the science projects or anything else please contact me. Thank you and we would like to plant this week in the garden if it stops raining and isn't too cold. Bring on that sun, we are ready for it!!

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