Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Angelville News, March 12-16, 2012


Week 26

*A special thanks to Mrs. Rappe for helping us put together a wonderful private u-tube video of our African American projects. This u-tube video was sent to the Oprah Network. Please click on the address below to view this video.

*We continue to work on our Science Projects and prepare for the Science Fair on March 28th. All projects will need to be in my hot little hands on March 27.

*Yesterday we began the final trimester of school. All grades go in this week and will go home early next week.

*The students can wear GREEN on Friday to celebrate St. Paddy's Day Saturday.


-In Religion we continue to walk with Jesus this Lent. We created new Lenten flowers and poems to go with them in our Lenten Garden. We will also begin the Stations of the Cross where we will have a display on our wall in the hall.

-In Writers Workshop we continue to expand our Thesis Statements and Essays. They are really beginning to come along.

-In Readers Workshop we are talking about Characters in our stories that we feel connected with, and why it is that we feel more connected with certain Characters and not others in stories that we read.

-In my 4th grade Math class, I am currently planning a math test for my Triangles this Friday over the Fraction/Decimal Unit. I will send home a review sheet for this unit.

-Since the Students are working at home on their Science Projects, I will not be sending home any homework packets, other than a reading log. Forgot yesterday, so will send one home today.

*We worked in the garden last Thursday and then the 3/4 East class worked in the garden on Friday. It's looking good. Give us some good sunny days here and we will begin to plant. YAY!!!

Have a great week!!

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