Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween in 3/4 East and West

Happy Halloween Celebration in both 3/4 classes today.  Thanks to all of our moms who made it a great afternoon!!

The students enjoyed face painting, cookie decorating, penny toss into the pumpkin, book mark making, bingo, and a movie.....WOW!!

*May everyone have a safe and happy time Trick or Treating tonight!!!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Angelville News October 28-November 2, 2012


*Tomorrow is our field trip to ‘The Farm.’  I do not have all of the permission slips in, nor the $6 to participate while at the farm (I have 7 permission slips with money, I have an additional 3 slips with no money).  If I do not get your child’s permission slip or money by tomorrow, your student will not be able to attend the field trip and will remain at school.
This is also a non uniform day.  The students are asked to dress warm with boots, jackets, hats, and gloves if need be.  This is an out door field trip.  We will leave school around 10:00am and return before the end of the day.
Students also need to bring a sack lunch and drink, as we will be eating at ‘The Farm.’  If you have any questions concerning the field trip please email me at  I do not have access to my school web mail once I leave the building, but can get my gmail.

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!
2). Complete all of the TFK, worksheets and questions in the magazine.
3). Spelling Unit 9 this week, all 4 pages!
*Non uniform Tuesday, Wednesday (orange and black day), and Friday!!

In Religion this week we will begin to learn and understand the 10 commandments.  Today with my class we did worked on one of the Habits of Mind for this year, Wonderment and Awe, all students had to come up with an experience they have had where they had Wonderment and Awe.  Some of your students are bringing that paper home tonight.

In 4th grade Math this week we will continue with our long division.  At our conferences I did tell some of the parents that the checkpoints that are timed are not factored into your student's math grade.  I was wrong!  After my math seminar on Friday I learned that these are skills all of the students need to memory.  I will continue to work with the students on memorizing their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  Here are a few websites that may help you at home
1), (at home page type in what you are looking for, ex. multiplication facts, flashcards etc.

On Friday my LA students will have a noun test.

In Social Studies we will continue to learn about the election and some issues that are being debated between the two candidates.

*We are having a little Halloween party in our class on Wednesday during math from 10:30-noon!  

Please contact me if you have any questions.  Thank you!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Angelville News, October 22-26, 2012

Conference Week
A special thanks to Gracie for her very thoughtful gift today.  I love it,  thank you Gracie!!!

*Conferences will be held this week on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25.
*Friday is a teacher development day and no school.

*Tuesday afternoon/evening is SCARY CAKE night and a movie.  See the school website for details.
*Monday, October 29 there will be a NOUN test for my students not in MSL!

1). Read each night and log your reading on the reading log sheet.  Make sure you are getting your parents signature.  Many students are not filling in their reading logs!
2). Studies Weekly Newspapers.  Comprehension worksheet #16 and the crossword puzzle in the Newspaper ALL need to be completed
3). Entire Entry task worksheet needs to be completed Monday – Friday.
4). Entire Geography Week 7 packet, Monday –Friday.
5). Longitude and Latitude worksheet 29-30.  We had trouble with Longitude and Latitude last week and so this is extra practice.
*All work will be turned in on Monday the 29th.

3/4 Science
We have started our unit "Sun, Moon and Stars". We have spent some of the last sunny days this month observing how the sun travels across the sky. The students have also read in their science books more in depth about how it is actually the earth moving that causes changes in the sun's position and the length and position of the shadows it creates. Along with the studying the sun, the students are continuing their study of "life cycles". The students are working in pairs or trios, doing research about the lifecycle of a different animal. Each group will create a poster about their animal's life cycle and will share what they learned with their classmates.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Angelville News - October 15-19


I do believe that FALL is upon us!  Hope everyone had a great weekend!

*Conference times will go home Tomorrow the 16th.
*Conferences will be held Wednesday and Thursday, October 24-25.  There will be no School next week on Wednesday - Friday.  Friday is a teacher Professional Development Day!
*Parents please continue to check your students planner.  It is very important that they are turning in all of their weeks work on Friday.

TFK - Mars
Spelling Unit 7 all 4 pages
Reading Logs - These are not being turned in.  They are part of a homework grade.

In RELIGION we will begin Chapter 25 in our text books.  Turning back to God, and the 10 Commandments.

MATH - The 4th graders took their multiplication quiz last week, and will begin division this week.  Understanding the vocabulary; dividend, divisors, quotient, and remainders.  Today they had book page 217 #1-4.  Wednesday they will have book page 221 #1-28.

In WRITERS WORKSHOP we will begin working on poetry.  Tomorrow they will take a writing assessment that will be graded and shown at conferences.  This will go into their Writing portfolios.

In READING I have assessed many of the student on their reading levels and will have these completed and available for you to see when you come to conferences.

In SS the students will continue with Studies Weekly.  Last Thursday they took their Washington Map tests. I will be grading them tonight.  This week in Studies Weekly we will be learning about Washington's Rivers.

In SCIENCE the students are learning about the sun.  If is comes out this week we will go outside to see what happens at different times of the day with the sun.

Have a good week!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

4th Gade Multiplication Quiz on Friday

4th Grade Multiplication Quiz FRIDAY
All of the Students took notes today and should have their notes to study from

*multiply two digit by one digit
*multiply two digit by two digit
*place value
*round to underlined digit
*less than<, greater than> and =

Washington Map Test Thursday


The students will have a State of Washington Map Quiz on Thursday.  They all have practice maps.  Thursday they will be given a blank Washington map and will need to:

*label all 5 regions
*bodies of water
*2 mountain ranges
*mountains on map
*state capital
*major cities on the map
*pretty much what is labeled for them on the map they will need to know

Monday, October 8, 2012

Angelville News October 8-12, 2012

Week 6

Dear Parents,

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend with this continued killer weather!!  It makes me so very happy :)!  Not sure what I'm going to do when the rain hits!:(

*Tomorrow we have a very exciting visit from Author John Stephens who wrote Emerald Atlas and The Fire Chronicle.  Many of the students in my class have already read one of his books, so this will be extra special for them.  His book talk will be from 10:45 - noon on Tuesday.  Books will be available for purchase tomorrow.  Might be kind of fun to have a personalized signed copy of one of his books.  I will send this information home with your student today.

*Please continue to check your student's planners.  All homework packets are due on Friday's (this includes the TFK, Spelling Unit and reading log).  All Entry Tasks are due on Friday's.  Geography packs are also due on Friday's.  If your student is missing something I will do my best to email you immediately.  On top of emailing you I also let the student know what they are missing.  After that it will be up to the student to turn in the work.  
Home work packet this week:
TFK - Polar Explorer
Spelling Unit 5
Reading Log

Sr. Giovanni will be a guest teacher in my 4th grade class this week talking about the Rosary.  October is the month of the Rosary.

4th Grade Math this week is all about MULTIPLICATION!  Last week we worked with two digit multiplication by one digit.  Today our assignment is Lesson 4.5, Three digit by one digit.  Tomorrow there will not be math classes due to our guest speaker.  Math on Wednesday and Thursday will be two-digit by two-digit, Lesson 4.6 and 4.7.

I have begun to give reading assessments.  At conferences I will let you all know what reading level your student is at.

Today the students will be given a practice writing prompt.  On Thursday they will be given their Fall Writing Assessment.  There are two prompts that the students can choose from.  There are 3rd grade prompts and 4th grade prompts.  The writing on Thursday will be assessed and your student will be given a writing level.  A second writing assessment will be given in Spring.

In Social Studies we continue to talk about Washington.  This week the students will study the regional locations of Washington, Mountain ranges, mountains, cities and large bodies of water.  There will be a quiz on the map of Washington on Thursday.  If time allows we will begin to talk about the US Presidential Election (Who can vote, US Voting Laws, Presidential Firsts, What's a political party, and the two candidates.  We will not discuss personal family voting feelings/beliefs for one candidate or another.  It will all be general information.

In Science the students are working in the FOSS kit, Sun. Moon and Stars.

KEEP SHINNING SUN, have a great week!!  

Thursday, October 4, 2012

4th Grade Religion

The 4th graders will take their first Religion Quiz Friday the 5th, tomorrow over the 7 Sacraments.

What to know:
*7 Sacraments as they are received in the Church and a brief description of each
*meaning of MASS
*meaning of Sacraments
*meaning of Grace

They can study their notes and Chapter 28 in their Religion books.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

October 4, 2012 PICTURE DAY

Good morning families,

I read the picture day sheet wrong and thought it was a week later.  This Thursday, the students will be taking their personal pictures.  The students may wear non-uniform/Sunday Best attire, even though it says on the sheet that they need to be in their uniforms.  Of course they can be in their uniforms if that is your choice, but it is not required.

Have a good day,

Miz Schmutz

Monday, October 1, 2012

Angelville News October 1-5th 2012

Week 5

Here we go with some more wonderful weather!!  LOVE IT!!

We had a fabulous field trip last week to the King Tut Exhibit.  I will post the pictures this week on the blog.  The kids were AWESOME as were the Chaperone's.  Thank you all for a great day!

*Non uniform dress this Friday
*Continue to check your students planner and binder each night.  If your student has late work or missing work I will email you.  I will not continue to ask for the late work.  If the work does not show up it will go into my grade book as a Zero.

In Writing this week we will continue to write stories for each student's personal Newspaper.  I need a picture of your student's Hero as well as one of your student, or student with family etc.  These pictures you will not get back in the same form.

In 4th grade math we have been working solving story problems.  We will continue with story problems and go into multiplication.  It is imperative that your student knows his/her multiplication facts for memory.  We will be working on multiplying 4 digit numbers by one digit numbers and two digit by two digit.

In Religion we will finish up with the 7 Sacraments this week and there will be a test on Friday over the Sacraments.

In Social Studies we are studying the 5 Regions of Washington.  The students will also get a new Studies Weekly Newspaper, Did Washington have Dinosaurs?  In our Geography this week we are learning about Grid Maps.

 3/4 Science-- The students worked hard to demonstrate what they learned by creating a poster about the salmon life cycle. The students worked in groups to show the habitat, predators and prey during each stage of the cycle. Check out the posters on display outside of our classrooms. Next, students will study life cycles of other animals and begin some of the lessons from our Sun, Moon and Stars unit. We will also be reading our National Geographic magazine.

Please contact me if you have any questions.