Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Release the Salmon

Last week we traveled to Carkeek Park in Ballard to release our salmon. We received the eggs in January and watched as they hatched into Alvein. Once they had used up all of the nutrients they needed from their sac they became Fry. In the Fry stage we take them to the park where the Naturalists help us release them into the impression pond where they will stay for 2 weeks before they are released into the stream. The impression pond gives the salmon time to get acquainted to their natural habitat so that they know where to return once they become Spanning Adults. The ones that make it will return to the same creek in 3-6 years to spawn and then pass away. We have enjoyed learning about salmon this year, and through our science projects we now know how important salmon are to our eco-system.

Ethnic Day

Wednesday the 18th the elementary grades celebrated their Ethnic Heritage. The 4th graders completed a 2-fold project. The first part was to research their country using the 5 themes of Geography, and the 2nd part was to write a children's story based on their country or information they know about their heritage. The students had their projects displayed in the hall and also did oral presentation in front of the class, parents, and other teachers. High 5 to 4th graders! They were AWESOME!!

Science Fair 2009

This was the first year that the 4th grade participated in the Science Fair at St. Al's. The students were divided into 4 research groups using the Scientific Inquiry Method. The topics were 1. Salmon and its importance to the Ecosystem, 2. Importance of Recycling, 3. Shrinking our Carbon Footprint and 4. Pollution and its effects on sea life. The kids did Rock Solid Jobs!!

Helping hands for CRS/Rice Bowl

Brianna and Emily set up a Hot Coco stand on one of the coldest days of Spring to help support people in poorer countries through Catholic Relief Services. All of the money the girls made went to CRS/Rice Bowl. Way to be Stewards of Service girls. Thank you for giving back!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 28
March 24, 2009

RAVES: Would like to recognize Emily and Brianna for their excellent efforts in supporting the Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/Rice Bowl. On Sunday the girls set up a Hot Coco stand in their neighborhood. They set up the rice bowl and poster at their stand. They made $20 and gave all proceeds to Rice Bowl. The girls really took to heart the Lent curriculum we have been studying in class these past few weeks, how the rice bowl helps support so many different organizations around the world. OUTSTANDING WORK GIRLS!
*Mr. van Hollebeke, Mrs. Van Hollebeke, and Mrs. Emerson, thank you so much for transporting the 4th grade to Carkeek Park for the release of our salmon into the impression pond. The Salmon will spend about 2 weeks in the pond to acclimate to the smells so they know where to return once they become Spanning Salmon. We knew they would never be able to make it back to St. Al’s. Once they leave the impression pond they will flow right into the creek there. They will spend time growing and eventually make their way into the ocean, could take up to a year.
*The 4th graders for their excellent job on their Ethnic Projects! They were AWESOME and the presentations and food were icing on the top. Thank you for working so hard!

*Please remember to check your child’s planner and sign it. I am seeing many unsigned planners. Parents are the number one teachers in a child’s life.
*March 31st marks the beginning of the Book Fair. It will be held in the small cafeteria for the week. Our class will do a walk through on Tuesday to check out the books and see if there are any they might be interested in purchasing.
*In Religion we continue to learn about CRS and the different countries and people CRS has helped and supported over the years. Please continue to fill your Rice Bowls.
*In Math we are finishing up chapters in measurement, long division, and simplifying algebraic expressions.
*Reading circles continue. It never hurts to check your child’s binder and reading journal to learn more about what they are reading and writing about.
*In LA I read a story called, If Your Not From the Prairie, the students are now brainstorming and writing stories about a place they know so well, that it has become apart of them.
*In Social Studies we continue to learn this week about the Plateau people.

Have a great week!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


The trip to release the salmon has been changed to this Thursday the 19th at Carkeeke Park. The field trip will be from 12:15-2:15. We will leave school at 11:45pm. The students will eat lunch before we go to the Park. Forms will go home today! Make sure you sign them and return them on Wednesday!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 27 - St. Patrick's Week
March 16, 2009

*Tomorrow is the 17th. If you would like to send some goodies with your child to share for tomorrow afternoon, please fill free. Tomorrow is GREEN DAY, non uniform if you choose.
*Report Cards will be distributed on Tuesday.
*Ethnic Heritage Day - Wednesday the 18th. We are wrapping up our projects. If your child has not gathered all of his/her information, it is very important that they do so immediately. We have been working on this project for almost a month now, so if they are not at the tail-end of the project, they are behind. The students may wear clothes from their country of origin, they may also bring in a treat to share from their country of origin.
*No school on Friday the 20th. Teachers go to school!
*Please have your child bring in $1 dollar each, for the children of Uganda.

In Religion we continue our journey through Lent, learning about different individuals from different countries in the world who have benefited from Operation Rice Bowl. In math we have groups working on measurement, and long division (can't tell you enough how important it is that your child know his/her multiplication facts). In reading we have started new books in our reading circles, each group continues to work in their reading journals. In LA we have taken our time to complete our Heritage projects. The MSL students have been receiving great support from Mrs. Corr (some students were advised to return at lunch today to get additional support, none showed). Now that our Science Fair is over we will begin a new unit in Social Studies, The Plains People.

Have a Great WEEK!!

HUGE RAVE to all of the 4th graders who worked so hard on their Science Projects, you all ROCK!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


A shout out to Maggie for helping poor Miz Schmutz learn how to complete a power point with pictures from the Internet and my camera. You ROCK GIRL!! You know computers better than most people I know. Thanks for your help today Maggs!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Bon Dia
Week 26
March 10, 2009

Happy crazy weather week! Guess it doesn’t know what it wants to do. I had 5 inches at my house yesterday. Couldn’t believe it when I called my husband and he said that he was shoveling.

Science Fair – Wednesday at 6:30pm in the cafeteria I believe.
PTA meeting Wednesday, March 11 @ 7pm.
Report Cards will go home next week.
Ethnic Day – Wednesday, March 18th

We are now in our second week of Lent and continue each day to focus on one question that we will journal/meditate about. Tomorrow we will begin to read about different countries that are supported through the rice bowl. In LA we are working on our two parts of the Ethnic project. We have spent time this week in the computer lab researching about our countries and typing in our stories. In math we continue to work with measurements, and long division. We are just about finished with our Science Projects and the students are feeling quite successful. In reading we have begun new reading circle books, Esperanza Rising, Loser, and Civil War on Sunday. Each group has been given their study guides for their book. These should be in their 3-ring binders under reading, if you would like to take a look.

See you tomorrow night. Please e-mail if you have any questions

I will do my best to get the Field Trip pics up this week. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


March 4, 2009
Week 25

We had a great field trip last week to the Seattle Science Center, and learning about the Polar Bear and the importance of the Ice Caps on the Polar Bear. I want to thank Mrs. Dolan and Mrs. Van Hollebeke for joining us on our journey to the center. The kids were great, and we will take more field trips in the future.

Next Wednesday, March 11, is the Science Fair. Please have your child bring in a poster board for their group presentation. I was told that they were on sale at Office Max.
We will be taking another field trip to Carkeeke Park to release our salmon on March 20th. If you would like to help transport students to the park please let me know. I will need about 5 drivers.
You will notice that your child does not have much homework this week. This is due to the importance of completing our Science Projects and having enough time to work on them at home if need be.
This week in Math we continue to work with long division and one math group will begin measurement and negative numbers. We are finishing up our books in reading circles and will begin new books next week. This week we are going to concentrate on our Science Research Projects for the Science Fair. Yesterday I sent home information about the Science Fair and Ethnic Day which will take place on March 18th. It was stapled to your child’s planner. If you have not seen it please look for it today. In Religion we have started Lenten Prayer Journals which we will continue throughout Lent. We are also going to focus on Lent as being a time to Come With Jesus. In L.A. we will be working on our Ethnic Day stories. If you have any questions about the Science Project or Ethnic Day please e-mail me at Please know that the students are working in groups for their science projects. There will be times when there are disagreements within the group. The students are going to need to work through these disagreements and come to a positive understanding. Keep in mind that if your child is coming home and complaining about their group or the project, that there are always 2 sides to every story.

Have a great week; I am enjoying the smell of spring in the air!