Sunday, November 20, 2011

Angelville News, November 21-23, 2011

November 21-23, 2011

Bon Dia, Good Day!

Did anyone get snow on Friday night? Miz Schmutz did! I still have residuals of it left in and around my yard. So cold, but so fun! Growing up in Spokane, Wa, this makes me feel right at home.

I would like to thank all of the families who worked so hard to make our Annual School Auction such a success!! “The Gifts You Have Received, You Gave As a Gift”

There will be no homework packet going home this week due to the short week. There will be a reading log to go home however.

This is a very exciting week since we are all going to enjoy the wonderful State projects each student has been working so hard on for the past two weeks. Our State Fair will begin at 1:45 – 2:45pm on Tuesday, November 22. Each student will have the opportunity to present their board to family members and other students in the school.

We have begun to collect Food for the Food Bank. Our class will be collecting Pasta and Sauce. I know we will do a great job since we collected so many soap bars to take to our One Saturday! BRING IN SOME PASTA AND SAUCES!!!!

READERS/WRITERS WORKSHOP – We continue with our ‘Slice of Life’ stories. These stories are still personal narratives, but with a kick, hoping to raise the quality of narrative writing.

This week we will continue with our Stone Fox book. The students will show comprehension skills, vocabulary, character relations and connections.

MATH – The triangle group will take their multiplication test on Tuesday, November 22 so that they can catch up with the Hexagons as we have started our fraction/decimal unit.
RELIGION – This week we will be reading in our Religion books, Chapter 4 on Prayer. We will also continue with our Steps to Respect and Anti-Bully Plan.

SPELLING – There will be no spelling this week! There will be MSL

SOCIAL STUDIES – State Fair on Tuesday. We will continue our Journey through the lives of the Pilgrims as they ventured across the Atlantic to settle at Plimoth Plantation. Each student has been keeping a journal as if they were one of the pilgrims who came over on the Mayflower. We have seen wonderful visual tours of this amazing journey and where the pilgrims eventually settled. This week we will meet the Native Americans, Wampanoag, who helped the Pilgrims with crops, hunting, games, and their first Thanksgiving Harvest Feast. This will prepare us as we sit down to the table on Wednesday, November 23, to share in our very own St. Alphonsus Thanksgiving Dinner at 11am. Please join us. There will also be a Thanksgiving Prayer Service at 9am for those of you who are interested.

SCIENCE – Last week we started a science
Experiment, “What happens to a pumpkin after Halloween?” Many things, all ending up very gross. The students kept a log of different pumpkin parts being exposed to different variables. They became so smelly by Friday we logged and tossed them all out. Those logs you will see in their Friday Folders.

May you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families and Friends, God Bless!!

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