Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The Mayflower Journey

For the past few weeks the students here in 3/4 West traveled on the Mayflower to the new world. During the weeks we took virtual tours of the ship, and Plimith Plantation. We learned how the Pilgrims made their homes, what the Wampanoag Indians taught the Pilgrims and how they got along and shared their customs with one another. Ending in their first shared harvest and Thanksgiving Feast. Just as we did as a school community last week. The students became Pilgrims themselves, keeping journals as though they were individuals on the Mayflower, journeying to the new world and creating a new life. I have had the opportunity to read each students journal, they are GREAT!! Please spend time reading your students Mayflower Journal, my guess is that you will learn something you did not know prior.

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