Monday, November 28, 2011

Angelville News, November 28-December 2, 2011

November 28-2, 2011

Bon Dia, Good Day!

Hope Everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving. Many of you may have eaten yourselves into a food coma!

GREAT JOB ON THE STATE PROJECTS! THEY WERE ALL AWESOME!! There have been many staff members and parents who have commented on how well each and every one of you did on your states’ projects. WAY TO GO!!!

READERS/WRITERS WORKSHOP – This week we will publish our 3rd piece of writing. We are working on writing good solid paragraphs. Paragraphs are like the grids that hold a story and ideas together. When we look down on a page in a book from high above we see black lines divided by white lines. The black lines are our paragraphs; the white lines are the ones that separate one paragraph/thought from the next. It makes me think of flying in a plane, and as we fly over the earth we can see the grid of the land, separated by roads, and farms, and boundaries.

This week we will continue with our Stone Fox book. The students will show comprehension skills, vocabulary, character relations and connections. Many of the students were held in from break today since they had not completed a character grid from last Monday. We just finished our 1st Trimester in school. It is always important to show our best work, and work to our fullest potential.

MATH – We are all currently all in the fraction/decimal unit. The triangles are working on fractional parts of a number this week. The hexagons are looking at comparing fractions.
RELIGION – This week we begin the season of Advent. We also began the beginning of our Liturgical year. During mass the students will carry with them little mass booklets since many of the prayers and responses in mass have changed. During Advent we are preparing for the coming of Jesus. We will work through many activities during advent.

SPELLING – There will be spelling this week.

SOCIAL STUDIES – Now that our State Fair is over, we will go back to our Studies Weekly. We will begin Studies Weekly 7 on Tuesday.

SCIENCE – Continuation of our Metric Unit.

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