Thursday, March 29, 2012
3/4 West Scientists
Who knew we had so many MAD SCIENTISTS in 3/4 West! WOW, there were many impressed people with your work. We saw all kinds of experiments from testing......... what plants like to eat best?, to is soap or hand sanitizer a better agent to kill bacteria?, over to salt breaking down ice cubes, on to whether organic fruit or non organic fruit last longer?, to blowing up things with mentos and soda.............etc. and the list goes on. Great night and a SUPER JOB well done my friends.(I am going to do my best to get all of the students up on the blog for a science project pic).
Monday, March 26, 2012
Angelville News, March 26-30, 2012

Week 28
Hope everyone had a nice long weekend!
The Pre-schoolers are watching butterflies go through all of their stages of life, many are beginning to come out of their cocoon. Such a miracle!
Few big things to note this week:
*Science Fair boards are due tomorrow, March 27.
*Science Fair Wednesday, March 28th from 5:30-7:30pm the 3/4 projects will be in the hall outside our rooms, students are required to be here to explain their projects.
*I have told the students that I will no longer accept papers with NO NAMES. If I receive a paper that does not have a name on it, I will place it in my grade book as a 0 (zero).
*I attended a seminar this past Friday on the Common Core Standards for each grade level in Math. These are standards that have been set for all students in each grade across the country. In my math class I am going back to check certain skills for 'mastery' For the time being I am removing math groups and going to go back to check for mastery on certain skills and then those students whom have mastered expected standards for 4th grade will continue to go on. If you have any questions about this please contact me.
-This week in Writers Workshop we are going to work on Fiction stories.
-In Readers Workshop we are looking at characters in our 'Just Right' Books. We are looking at when characters act 'Out of Character.' What does this mean? Why do we sometimes act out of our normal character?
-In Religion we continue to walk with Jesus through the Stations of the Cross, grades 2-8 will all be going to confession this Friday.
Have a great week, hope the sun shines on us all week long.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Happy Birthday Carolyn
Carolyn brought in Lemon Mering Pie for her birthday today. I had never seen so many students so excited about pie. It was a huge hit!
I witnessed Carolyn typing one of her friends papers today on the computer because she was behind getting it finished. This is just the kind of person Carolyn is. She is a quiet helper, there when her peers need her. Always one of the very first students to raise her hand to help, sharing her GIFTS. A true JOY to have in the classroom!! Hope you have a great weekend Carolyn!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Sounders pic
I was having some trouble for a few weeks posting pictures that I had taken to the blog, so this is a test, and looks like it worked.
As I said this week I had gone to the Sounders game on Saturday. I took a picture of this banner because my cousin designs and puts all of the banners together for the games. They are all so cool and I am so proud of him. Enjoy and I highly recommend a Sounders game........FUN forsure!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Angelville News, March 19-23

Week 27
*Hope everyone had a wonderful St. Patricks Day! I was invited to the Sounders game and had a blast!
*Science Fair boards need to be to school no later than March 27 (that's a Tuesday, week from tomorrow).
*If your child is working on a science project with another student in the classroom and they are having trouble getting together to complete the project, then BOTH STUDENTS NEED TO DO THE PROJECT, and then can compare their findings.
*All grades will go home tomorrow! We are in our final trimester, working hard and putting best effort forward is essential. Any additional support from home to make sure your student has all of their belongings prior to heading out the door is greatly appreciated.
-In our WW we will finish up our ESSAY's this week, YAY!
-In Religion we started the stations of the cross. We will walk along side Jesus on our board in the hall, Each day we will add a new station.
-Math, both groups are in our measurement/geometry unit.
If you have any questions about the science projects or anything else please contact me. Thank you and we would like to plant this week in the garden if it stops raining and isn't too cold. Bring on that sun, we are ready for it!!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Science Display boards
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Angelville News, March 12-16, 2012

Week 26
*A special thanks to Mrs. Rappe for helping us put together a wonderful private u-tube video of our African American projects. This u-tube video was sent to the Oprah Network. Please click on the address below to view this video.
*We continue to work on our Science Projects and prepare for the Science Fair on March 28th. All projects will need to be in my hot little hands on March 27.
*Yesterday we began the final trimester of school. All grades go in this week and will go home early next week.
*The students can wear GREEN on Friday to celebrate St. Paddy's Day Saturday.
-In Religion we continue to walk with Jesus this Lent. We created new Lenten flowers and poems to go with them in our Lenten Garden. We will also begin the Stations of the Cross where we will have a display on our wall in the hall.
-In Writers Workshop we continue to expand our Thesis Statements and Essays. They are really beginning to come along.
-In Readers Workshop we are talking about Characters in our stories that we feel connected with, and why it is that we feel more connected with certain Characters and not others in stories that we read.
-In my 4th grade Math class, I am currently planning a math test for my Triangles this Friday over the Fraction/Decimal Unit. I will send home a review sheet for this unit.
-Since the Students are working at home on their Science Projects, I will not be sending home any homework packets, other than a reading log. Forgot yesterday, so will send one home today.
*We worked in the garden last Thursday and then the 3/4 East class worked in the garden on Friday. It's looking good. Give us some good sunny days here and we will begin to plant. YAY!!!
Have a great week!!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Angelville News, March 6-9th, 2012

Week 25
Yesterday the teachers enjoyed a wonderful day in the convent with the sisters. Sr. Marium led us in a Lenten retreat, and then we enjoyed an Italian potluck together, it was wonderful!
Lent means Spring. We are walking with the Lord on his journey this lent. At the same time we are spending time thinking about out own journeys in life. The Holy Father sent out a letter for Lent encouraging everyone to, "Care for Others." We are showing our 'CARE' as we gather food for our friends up in Burlington. Our goal was to bring in 157 cans of food. I have not counted all of the food, but I know it is not 157 cans yet. Please help support our food drive and send in food with your student this week.
Today, Mrs. Rappe is going to come in and take a mini video of the students and their WONDERFUL Black History Month projects. Our plan is to send it to Oprah. I wrote a letter to Oprah since one of my students read a Biogrpahy about her and then created a wonderful poem. I thought Oprah would love to see it.
On Friday we will have a Prayer Service at 8:45am if anyone would like to join. Our prayer service will be next month and my plan is to have it in the garden. I am hoping that later this week (hoping Thursday) we can get into the garden and do some cleaning up. Please let me know if there are any parents out there who would like to join us. I will stop and grab a bunch of gloves for the students. As soon as we get the garden all cleaned up we can begin to plant and watch our garden grow. Every year it is very exciting! A bit hit for the students in the Spring.
I will explain the Science Fair to the students today. Please look for the Science Fair packet coming home today. Their science experiments will all be done at home this year. The Science Fair will be on March 28 in the evening in the school. Another wonderful St. Al's event.
This week we will finish up our Lenten poems to go along with our created Lenten flowers. Please fill free to come in and see our Lenten garden.
There has been some cases of lice in the school. Checking your students head is a good idea. We have not had any cases in our class. I say the word Lice, an immediately scratch my head, lol!
Bring on the SUN this week!!!
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