Week 29
Good afternoon families! This week is Holy Week! Holy Week is a time when our church remembers the important events of Jesus' life on earth just before he died. The days in Holy Week include Passion Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. We will also continue with the Satations of the Cross as we try and walk along Jesus, understanding the suffering he was going through and how at times we all go through different kinds of suffering.
*Thursday we are going to Carkeek Park to return the salmon into the creek so they may begin their journey into Salmon. We say a little prayer for each one of them as we drop them into the impression pond. The salmon are in the impression pond for a few weeks so that they can become acquainted to all of the smells of the creek, in hopes they live long enough to make their way back to the creek to spawn in the next 5 years. The Naturalists will let the salmon go at a particular time of night when there is no moon, giving the little fry all the possibilities to make their way down the creek without being spotted by predators. We will leave school at 12:40pm to return some time around 2:30pm. I want to thank all of my parents who have volunteered to drive. I currently have enough drivers, so thank you!
*Friday we have early out at 12 noon. No extended care.
This week in Writers Workshop we will work to complete our Fiction stories, so that when we return from break we can dive into Poetry.
Wishing you all a wonderful Easter with Family and Friends............and a relaxing break, and and one more thing........SUN!!
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