Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Angelville Newsletter, April 16-20, 2012



WELCOME BACK ALL! I apologize for not getting this out to you yesterday, but our school server was down with no Internet. I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday and Break! I felt very blessed to travel to Palm Desert with my family to meet up with my parents to celebrate Easter together. Life is so short, it's important to treasure the time we have with our family and friends.

*This coming Friday is our annual JOG-A-THON. Each class will have a period to jog as many laps as they can. This also happens to be one of our biggest fund raisers for the school. Each student is asked to raise at least $100 in pledges. I hope all of the students are getting their pledges.

*We have planted a few of the beds in the garden. We will be helping the Kinders plant their bean plants today in the garden. I purchased a green house for the garden. I am hoping the green house gets constructed before the 27th of April. Our class is in charge of the prayer service this month and we would like to have it in the garden. I may need a mom or dad to plant the hanging baskets, and any other odds and ends to make sure the garden is in tip top shape.

Being that we are in the season of Easter we will be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus teaches us to treat others with kindness. Jesus wants us to care about others and to forgive them when they have hurt us. These are lessons we can practice everyday in school and at home.

In WW we have started a new unit, POETRY! We will learn all about different kinds of poetry, and writing different kinds of poetry. Each student will put together their own poetry book. In May we will invite all of the parents to a poetry reading. If we can get a nice day we could have it in our garden:)

Yesterday, the students did a practice writing prompt. Next month, as part of our writing curriculum, all students from 3-8(who will also take the ITBS standardized test) will be given 2 prompts to choose from to write a story in 45 minutes. Their writing will be scored and kept on file for the next year. The score will show where your student is as a writer, (just like we do in reading, tracking their improvements in reading).

Math 4th - this week we are working on multiplication and division story problems, working them backwards.

The next few months will be very busy. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send me an email. mizschmutz@gmail.com


Miz Schmutz

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