Monday, April 30, 2012

Angelville News, April 30-May 4, 2012

Week 32
*I continue to show a great amount of frustration with the new blogger site.  I am having trouble adding pictures etc.  It does not look any different as to how you see it on the site, but the set up page is very different for me as to how I construct the new blog.  I am hoping I can get my tech person to help me.  Thank you for your patience.

Super JOB to all of the 3/4 West students on the Prayer Service, I have heard from so many people in the school community that it was AWESOME!!!  Thank you Kate for taking pictures and adding them to this great site for all in the class to see  Thanks again for all that have supported us!

We would like to invite all of our parents to our Poetry Reading this Friday in the school library at 2:15pm.  Following our poetry reading will be a mini reception in our classroom.  We have been working hard all month writing poems for poetry month.  The students are busy creating their own poetry books.  They are very excited to share these with you all.
The school play, The Wizard of Oz, will begin this weekend in the school auditorium.  The show times are Friday @ 7pm, Saturday @7pm and Sunday @2pm.  All the school support is greatly appreciated.
Tomorrow we will be going downtown to the Chimpanzee movie.  We will leave school around 11:15am.  All students are asked to bring a sack lunch.  We plan on eating in the lobby of the theatre prior to the movie beginning at 12:30pm.  We will return to school by 3pm.  For the next few weeks in SS/Science we will learn about Chimpanzees and their habitats.
*please bring in all jog-a-thon pledges if you have not already done so this week.
*we are also looking to sell as many plants as possible in support of the school garden.  There had been a mistake made with the order sheet that had gone home.  The first sheet put out was the cost prices for the plants.  The second sheet is correct on the school website and the last one that I sent home on Friday.  All orders are asked to be in by May 8th.  Thank you ahead of time for supporting our school garden!!
*report cards will go home tomorrow, May 1st, May Day!  Hard to believe we are here already.
*Friday is non uniform dress day!

Praying for a glorious week with much sun!!

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