Tuesday, November 25, 2008



November 25th, 2008

This week in the news!

We will celebrate our Thanksgiving dinner at school tomorrow at 11am. All students will be dismissed at noon. Prior to the Thanksgiving dinner the 4th grade will be putting on a puppet show for the younger students in our classroom at 10:30am.

I will have a substitute teaching for me on December 1st. I have a doctors appointment in Spokane and will return on Tuesday.

I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. We have no spelling or homework packets this week due to the short week. We wrote Thanksgiving prayers in Religion, and continue our study of Washington State in Social Studies. In reading this week we have been working on our Puppet Show. If you want to attend our puppet show you are welcome. I will talk more about our December Prayer Service next week.

Blessings to All,

Miz Schmutz

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Wanting to remind all families that the last day of the tri-mester is Wednesday, November 26th. No work will be accepted after that day.

Thanksgiving school dinner is on Wednesday, November 26th beginning around 11am, school will be dismissed at noon.

4th grade Prayer Service will be held at 8:45am on December 5, 2008. All students will be participating in the prayer service, so please come and support them.

Thank You!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Week 12

November 17-21st

I want to extend a special thanks to all who helped with the school Auction. A very special thanks to the moms who spent many hours in the art room helping with the class projects. Our projects went for great prices. Thank You!!

Thanksgiving is upon us and I am gearing up to head to the mountains to cut down my Christmas tree. This is a tradition we have in our family and one that we look forward to each year. Keep in mind that next Wednesday is our school Thanksgiving Dinner. Dinner will begin around 11am and the students will be released from school at noon. Hope you all have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving.

This week in school:

In school this week we continue to work on algebraic expressions in math. All math groups are taking math tests or have just taken one. Groups Green and Blue will take their chapter tests this week. We have completed our Maniac Magee Book in reading. We took our final test on Monday and those will be coming home for you to see this Friday. In Language Arts we are beginning to learn about Folk Tales. We will brainstorm our own Folk Tales and organize then on graphic organizers. Once that process has been completed we will write final drafts and publish them in a book. We have the prayer service the first week in December. The class is going to preform a play, sing in Spanish and English, talk about Our Lady of Guadalupe, and light the first candle on our Advent Wreath. All are welcome to attend and more information will follow.

Enjoy the rest of your week!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Missing Work

I wanted to alert all families that the grading period is coming to an end. The last day that I will be taking class work is Tuesday, November 25th. I have gone through my grade book today and alerted students of missing work, or work that was never turned in. After the 25th I will no longer accept work from this tri-mester. It is important that if your child is ill, he/she is making up all of their work and getting it turned in. Thank You!

maniac magee book review

Here is the Review Sheet for the Maniac Magee Test that will be held on Monday, November 17th

Characters to know:
John McNab
Mars Bar
Hester and Lester
Mrs. Beale
The Cobras
Mr. George McNab

Vocab to know:

Chapters 1-6
How did Jeffery become an orphan?

Where did Jeffery live with his Aunt and Uncle?
What was the time Jeffery was gone between Hollidaysburg and Two Mills called?

Who was the first person that Jeffery net in the East End? What did Amanda give to Jeffery?

Chapters 6-16
After Jeffrey eats at the Pickwell’s the children follow him outside and find him running on what?

What is a ‘frogball’?

What was John McNabs gang called?

Why was everyone so silent when Maniac took a bite of Mars Bars candy bar?

Before Maniac goes to sleep at the Beal’s House what does he do?

What was Maniac allergic to?

Chapters 18-21
What was the prize for untangling Cobble’s Knot? How is this ironic?

How long did it take Maniac to untangle the knot?

What had Hester and Lester torn up for confetti?

Chapters 22-26
Who found Jeffrey and took him to the baseball equipment room?

Why didn’t Maniac go to school?

Why did Maniac not go stay at the YMCA with Grayson?

Why did Grayson never make it to the major leagues?

What did Grayson want Maniac to do for him?

Chapters 27-32
What was the first book that Grayson read?

Why did Mania paint 101 outside the door?

What was the most important thing Grayson gave Maniac at Christmas?

Chapter 33-36
Who was at Grayson’s funeral?

Who did Maniac hear in the log cabin next to him?

Where were they going? Where were they from? Who were they related to? Where did Maniac take them?

Where were Piper and Missing Tooth going?

What was so strange about the McNab’s house?

How did Maniac convince them to go to school?

Chapter 37-46
What was the toughest challenge Piper and Russell thought they gave Maniac?

What did Maniac do that caused some trouble when he was racing Mars Bar?

In July, Maniac was running and felt like someone was following him. Who was running at the same time?

What happened to Russell?

Why did Maniac not save him?

Who took Amanda to the Buffalo pen to get Maniac?

What did Amanda tell Maniac he WOULD do?

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Bon Dia
Wednesday, November 12
Week 11
Welcome back to school! Yesterday I kept thinking it was Sunday. A break in the week is such a nice little treat. I was able to accomplish so much that I am usually not able to do during the regular work week. I hope you all had a nice day with your children as well.
Thank You Charlotte and Gail for taking care of the JELL-O for our Thanksgiving Dinner, much appreciated.
This Week In the NEWS:
In Religion we are writing about times we have broken promises and kept promises and what the consequences were, from broken promise. We are also going to make collages illustrating how the commandments are broken in society today.
In math we are working on multiplying 2 and 3 digits, decimals, and algebraic expressions, this all depends upon which group your child is in. Each group will be taking a chapter test in the next few days. Either Friday, Monday or Tuesday.
In Social Studies we are locating regions of Washington. The students will be creating their own maps and keys. I have spoken with my Uncle who is in the shipping business here in Seattle and in San Francisco. I am in talks with him about taking the kids on a Field Trip down to the shipping yard. I will let you know as things progress.
Maniac Magee has come to an end, or will on Friday. I will give the students a review guide over the book and there will be a final test on Monday. From there we are going to do some Creative Writing based on Fables next week, and then we will break up into reading groups and each group will begin a new book.
Enjoy the rest of your week! Hope to see you all at the AUCTION GALA!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Veterans Day

Happy Monday 4th grade families. Tomorrow is Veterans Day and there will be no school. I will see your children again on Wednesday.

Today we celebrated our Veterans with an assembly and in our classroom we created a word back regarding our Veterans and those who have served for our country and those who are currently serving our country. The students used our word bank and created their own poems.

Veterans Day Poem
by, Cayce

Love, strength, and hope we pray
to these special people on this
special day.

Air Force, Army, Vietnam war too.
These people made freedom just for you.

Veterans day is a time to say "hey"
and recognize these important people
so many wars that so many people fought
from the many thanks that they got.

So Thank You Veterans for this day,

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Maniac Magee Chapters 42-46

Maniac Magee Chapters 42-46 (162-184)
For the Week of November 10-14th

Chapter 42 (162-166)
Word Wizard voltage(163) gauntlet (165)

1. Why doesn’t the author create a happy birthday party scene?
2. Other than Maniac, who would you choose as a friend? Explain
3. Compare John McNab and Mars Bar

Chapter 43 (167-169)

1. How did Maniac survive after the birthday fiasco?
2. What would you have done if you were in Maniac’s shoes in chapter 43?
3. Fill in “An Award for Maniac”

Chapter 44 (170-173)
Word Wizard trestle (173) diverged (172)

1. Who were the appleskin hour cruisers?
2. What happened when Piper asked Maniac for help to save Russell?
3. Predict the ending of the book?

Chapter 45 (174-180)
Word Wizzard amplified(177)

1. How was Russell saved from the train track?
2. Why was Russell so attached to Mars and his mother?

Chapter 46 (181-184)

1. Who is snickers?
2. Who won’t accept “can’t”?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


The students worked really hard last week making their paper mache masks for Halloween. They are all truly creative individuals who enjoy hands-on projects. I love this about them! Great work kids!


Johnathan is the new Rock Star of the Week! Johnathan is an excellent contributor to the Angelville community, and is always willing to help those in need. He values is role in the classroom and is extremely compliant. He is a joy to have in 4 grade. Keep up the excellent work Johnathan! You are treasured!

Monday, November 3, 2008


November 3, 2008
I Believe We are LICE FREE at St. Alphonsus this morning! YAY!!
A special THANKS to Mr. Nordale for helping with our Halloween Party. Musical Chairs was a hit. And when you have so many students who are so into sometimes feelings get hurt.
Last week was some-what of a hectic week at school with the lice interruptions and Halloween. We are back on track this morning and looking forward to a great week ahead.
Sister Schools comes on Wednesday to take the donated items to Uganda. Please bring in anything/buckets you would like to donate.
The 4th grade is going to be responsible for serving JELLO at the Thanksgiving Lunch on November 24th in the Cafeteria. I will let you know in the recent future how we are going to go about serving 225 people with Jello. If there are any parents who would like to help with this process please let me know.
Tuesday is early release 2:00pm
Religion: we are making 10 commandment books. We will also be discussing about which ones have to do with loving God and which ones have to do with loving each other.
Science: The salmon life cycle groups will present their posters on Friday.
Social Studies: The Geography of Washington and reading maps.
Reading: Maniac Magee chapters have been posted on the blog as of last week for this week, Chapters 38-41, and yes we are almost there.
Rocket Math: The students seem to be clicking right along in their Rocket Math. If your child is bringing home multiplication or division practice sheets please take some time each night to work with them on this, thank you!
English: nouns/antonyms/pronouns
Math: Last week we spent the entire week with story-problems. The more we practice the better we become.
Hope all have a wonderful week! E-mail me if you have any questions.