Thursday, November 13, 2008

maniac magee book review

Here is the Review Sheet for the Maniac Magee Test that will be held on Monday, November 17th

Characters to know:
John McNab
Mars Bar
Hester and Lester
Mrs. Beale
The Cobras
Mr. George McNab

Vocab to know:

Chapters 1-6
How did Jeffery become an orphan?

Where did Jeffery live with his Aunt and Uncle?
What was the time Jeffery was gone between Hollidaysburg and Two Mills called?

Who was the first person that Jeffery net in the East End? What did Amanda give to Jeffery?

Chapters 6-16
After Jeffrey eats at the Pickwell’s the children follow him outside and find him running on what?

What is a ‘frogball’?

What was John McNabs gang called?

Why was everyone so silent when Maniac took a bite of Mars Bars candy bar?

Before Maniac goes to sleep at the Beal’s House what does he do?

What was Maniac allergic to?

Chapters 18-21
What was the prize for untangling Cobble’s Knot? How is this ironic?

How long did it take Maniac to untangle the knot?

What had Hester and Lester torn up for confetti?

Chapters 22-26
Who found Jeffrey and took him to the baseball equipment room?

Why didn’t Maniac go to school?

Why did Maniac not go stay at the YMCA with Grayson?

Why did Grayson never make it to the major leagues?

What did Grayson want Maniac to do for him?

Chapters 27-32
What was the first book that Grayson read?

Why did Mania paint 101 outside the door?

What was the most important thing Grayson gave Maniac at Christmas?

Chapter 33-36
Who was at Grayson’s funeral?

Who did Maniac hear in the log cabin next to him?

Where were they going? Where were they from? Who were they related to? Where did Maniac take them?

Where were Piper and Missing Tooth going?

What was so strange about the McNab’s house?

How did Maniac convince them to go to school?

Chapter 37-46
What was the toughest challenge Piper and Russell thought they gave Maniac?

What did Maniac do that caused some trouble when he was racing Mars Bar?

In July, Maniac was running and felt like someone was following him. Who was running at the same time?

What happened to Russell?

Why did Maniac not save him?

Who took Amanda to the Buffalo pen to get Maniac?

What did Amanda tell Maniac he WOULD do?

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