Monday, November 3, 2008


November 3, 2008
I Believe We are LICE FREE at St. Alphonsus this morning! YAY!!
A special THANKS to Mr. Nordale for helping with our Halloween Party. Musical Chairs was a hit. And when you have so many students who are so into sometimes feelings get hurt.
Last week was some-what of a hectic week at school with the lice interruptions and Halloween. We are back on track this morning and looking forward to a great week ahead.
Sister Schools comes on Wednesday to take the donated items to Uganda. Please bring in anything/buckets you would like to donate.
The 4th grade is going to be responsible for serving JELLO at the Thanksgiving Lunch on November 24th in the Cafeteria. I will let you know in the recent future how we are going to go about serving 225 people with Jello. If there are any parents who would like to help with this process please let me know.
Tuesday is early release 2:00pm
Religion: we are making 10 commandment books. We will also be discussing about which ones have to do with loving God and which ones have to do with loving each other.
Science: The salmon life cycle groups will present their posters on Friday.
Social Studies: The Geography of Washington and reading maps.
Reading: Maniac Magee chapters have been posted on the blog as of last week for this week, Chapters 38-41, and yes we are almost there.
Rocket Math: The students seem to be clicking right along in their Rocket Math. If your child is bringing home multiplication or division practice sheets please take some time each night to work with them on this, thank you!
English: nouns/antonyms/pronouns
Math: Last week we spent the entire week with story-problems. The more we practice the better we become.
Hope all have a wonderful week! E-mail me if you have any questions.

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