Wednesday, November 19, 2008



Week 12

November 17-21st

I want to extend a special thanks to all who helped with the school Auction. A very special thanks to the moms who spent many hours in the art room helping with the class projects. Our projects went for great prices. Thank You!!

Thanksgiving is upon us and I am gearing up to head to the mountains to cut down my Christmas tree. This is a tradition we have in our family and one that we look forward to each year. Keep in mind that next Wednesday is our school Thanksgiving Dinner. Dinner will begin around 11am and the students will be released from school at noon. Hope you all have a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving.

This week in school:

In school this week we continue to work on algebraic expressions in math. All math groups are taking math tests or have just taken one. Groups Green and Blue will take their chapter tests this week. We have completed our Maniac Magee Book in reading. We took our final test on Monday and those will be coming home for you to see this Friday. In Language Arts we are beginning to learn about Folk Tales. We will brainstorm our own Folk Tales and organize then on graphic organizers. Once that process has been completed we will write final drafts and publish them in a book. We have the prayer service the first week in December. The class is going to preform a play, sing in Spanish and English, talk about Our Lady of Guadalupe, and light the first candle on our Advent Wreath. All are welcome to attend and more information will follow.

Enjoy the rest of your week!!

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