Bon Dia
November 9, 2009
* To all of the students and families who came and supported our family auction last night. It was great fun, and wonderful to see so many familiar faces.
* Great job to the Brain Dances, you were AWESOME!
* NO School on Wednesday, Veterans Day.
* All are invited to the Veterans Assembly on Tuesday, at 2;30pm.
* No Hot Lunch on Friday due to set up for the Auction.
* Fr. Dan will be visiting the 4th grade at 2:15 on Friday. The students will share with him their Good Samaritan Stories they have worked so hard on. Any and all parents are invited to attend as well.
* Our Field Trip to Carkeek Park is on Thursday, November 12th. We will leave at 9:30am and return right around noon for lunch. If your child has not turned in his form please do so ASAP. We will be traveling by car with Monica and Maureen.
In math we continue to work on standard form multiplication. We will add 2-digit x 2-digit towards the end of the week. The students are really doing well on their multiplication facts.
In Religion we have finished our stories, we have broken up into groups to study the 10 Commandments and show visual representation of each Commandment. We read the Gospel for Tuesday's mass each Monday, and then reflect/summarize on Father's Sermon Tuesday afternoon.
In reading we continue to work our way through Maniac Magee. We are nearing the end of the book, in the final part. Since this week we will miss reading for 3 days due to other commitments, we will pick back up with the chapters next week.
In Social Studies we completed the 5 Themes of Geography in Washington, if you get a chance come up and check out our wall in the hall. We will have a Washington State Geography Test next week. I will send home a review sheet on Friday. The students worked today and will work again tomorrow on a Veteran from 6 different wars, we will also hang those on our outside wall this week.
We finished our Seattle City Lights, Tool Kit, on shrinking our Carbon Footprint and will begin a new chapter in Science next week.
In English we continue to look at nouns, pronouns and parts of sentences. In writing this week we will write about, 'The Best Part of Me.' Each student will write about what they feel is their best part, whether that be their hair, or knees, or even teeth. I will try and post them on the outside wall next week.
Have a great week! A nice Veterans Day, and hope to see you all at the Auction.
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