Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Angelville Newsletter, Week 11

Bon Dia

November 17, 2009

*my trip to Maine a few weeks back, Bug Light House.

I apologize for the day-late Newsletter, as I tried to blog yesterday I was unable to for some reason.


*All the parents who attended the St. Al's Gala.

* All the families who help make the event Grand.

* All of the students for their work on the classroom projects.


* Social Studies Geography Test on Wednesday!

* Bingo this Friday night in the cafeteria.

* Continue to check your child's planner each night making sure they are completing all of their work and the work is getting back in their backpacks so it returns to school the following day.

* Next week is our Thanksgiving Feast, November 25th in the cafeteria. All families are welcome. The 4th grade will eat around 11am.


This week in Math, we will continue our unit on multiplication. We will have a Multiplication test next Wednesday morning, before our Thanksgiving Feast. I will send home a Multiplication review sheet on Friday.

In Reading we continue with Maniac Magee Chapters 32-36, there will be a quiz on Thursday.

In Religion we are creating visual representations of the 10 commandments. Each week the students also reflect on Fathers sermon and the Gospel.

In writing the students wrote about the The Best Part of Me. They are on our outside wall. Fill free to come up and read them. We are Thankful for these gifts that we believe are the best part of us.

In Science we are working on a Physical Science Unit; motion, matter, heat, molecules.

In English we continue this week to talk about different kids of Pronouns and where they are used in a sentence.

YAY for sun today!!

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