Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Angelville News, January 3-6th 2012

Bon Dia,

Week 16

WOW! SO hard to believe that we are now writing 2012! HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a wonderful vacation and I look forward to a Year full of heath and happiness for each and everyone of you. I enjoyed some time with my family on the Washington Coast!

*Thursday, Jan. 5 we will have a visitor from Pike Place Market coming in to speak to all of the 3/4 students. We begin our unit on Economics is Social Studies. Towards the end of the month we will enjoy a Field Trip to Pike Place Market.

*Friday, Jan 6 is a non-uniform dress day, it is also the school 4-8th grade Geography Bee. Our 4th grade representative from our room is Arjun Thoman (WAY TO GO ARJUN!). This will begin at 2pm in the auditorium for those who would like to come and support Arjun.

*FYI- there was some mis-communication or lack of communication, and any parent that may want to have their student tested in the MSL program the testing fee is now $300 dollars, it is no longer covered by the school. I apologize if this information was not send to any parents who have recently had their child tested.

In our Writers Workshop this month we will begin a unit on Essay writing. In Readers Workshop we will continue to re-test students with new Just Right Books. I will also be meeting with all of the students one on one to discuss their books with them in mini-conferences.

In Science we will continue to work on our metric unit, and hopes to spend some time in the garden, cleaning up and getting ready for early Spring. This next week we will be getting some salmon eggs which will go into the the science room into the fish tank. We will watch the salmon hatch into alvin, and when they become "fry" we will return them to Carkeek park into Pipers Creek. This will be another field trip down the road.

In math we continue in 4th grade to work in our Fractions/Decimal unit. On Thursday the hexagons will be taking a fractions test. The triangles will take this test the following week.

We will have a spelling test this Friday. In spelling we are also working on pronouns. There will be a noun/pronoun test next week for all of the students who stay with me for spelling.

Have a great short week!

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