Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Angelville News January 9-16


Week 17

Happy Week everyone! I apologize for the late post, my Monday was a bit hectic. I want to introduce an exchange teacher who will be with us for the next few weeks. Ms. Choi Young Ok is from Korea. She is also a 4th grade teacher there. She will be observing in our classroom and teaching a few lessons on Korean culture and traditions. If you happen to see her around campus please introduce yourself to her.

ROCK STAR! Leo was our rock star last week. I had the opportunity over break to listen to the Northwest Boys Chior preform their Christmas concert, and best part of all was that our very own Leo is a member of this Chior. Look closely to find Leo in the picture. Leo you were GREAT!

Friday we will have our monthly prayer service. This week the 3/4 East students are conducting the srevice on the life of MLK Jr. In Religion this week we will focus on his life as well. We will read a series of childrens literature stories and do some writing based on his dreams and all of the wonderful things he did to protest peacefully for rights and justice for all man kind.

Today I am sending home a Field Trip form to go to Pike Place Market on January 26th. In SS we are reading about Washington's Economics and how Washington uses is resources to make money. We enjoyed a neat presentation from an administrator from Pike Place market who presented the students with the history of the market and how it all came to be. For the next few weeks we will use Pike Place curriculum to study about our Seattle community. Should be very fun!

In writiers workshop we will do some writing and research based on the life of MLK. Later in the week we will begin to have minilessons on "Breathing life into Essay's". Which is our Writers Workshop Theme this month.

In Readers Workshop we are focusing on walking beside our characters and understanding EMPATHY for our characters. We feel empathy when we read because often in our lives we can relate to one thing or another that a character is going through since we may have had that same experience or know someone who has. As we read we play mental movies in our minds. As we read further in our texts, those mental movies may change as we gather new information about our characters. I will also be working with the students as to how they can challenge themselves to move up in reading levels.

In science we continue with the FOSS kit, metric unit. As soon as we get a nice day we will head out into the garden to clean it up and prepare it for Spring planting.

*Thursday the Spelling students will take a test on NOUNS/PRONOUNS>

Have a great week!!

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