Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Angelville Newsletter January 17-20


Week 18

*LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW!!! Yes that is what we are saying here in 3/4 West. When the snow started coming down today we all got so excited. Something about snow that is so magical, sledding, slurping soup, drinking cocoa, and much much more. Enjoy hanging at home if we do get the storm that they are predicting.

Last week we had many wonderful lessons from our Korean teacher about their culture and dress and what it is like to be a student there. I will post some of the picture of their traditional dress called Han-bok! We laughed ourselves silly last Friday!

This weeks schedule and materials covered all depends on having school. It was tough to begin anything new today with so many students our of school.

Planned :

SS- Pike Place Market Lessons

Religion - Steps to Respect

Math (4) - Fractions/Decimals - probably fraction test for the triangles early next week.

WW- Growing our personal narrative seed stories in to becoming ESSAYISTS!

RW- Re-testing reading levels. I sent home where each of your students are at in their reading level and some book ideas, with ways in which they can move on to the next reading level.

Science - Volume

Enjoy your week!!

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