Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Religion Assignment

A Follow up to studying about Martin Luther King Jr and his peaceful fight for justice and equality for all humans is an assignment we will be working on this week. We will display this assignment on our board outside in the hall for our Open House this Sunday from 11:30-1:00pm. Open House is designed for all new perspective parents looking at sending their student(s) to St. Alphonsus.

Each student is researching a Religious individual who spent his or her life in peaceful pursuit for justice and equality for all humans. I handed out a guide of questions for each student to be looking for as they research their Religious individual. After the research is complete and all information has been gathered each student will create a collogue of their Religious person or Icon. Students may work on this at home as well, especially if they are having difficulty finding the information. I will help as best I can with 19 students on computers in the classroom at one time.

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