Thursday, October 30, 2008


Sister Schools will be here on Wednesday to collect the donations for Uganda! If you still want to donate something please bring it in!

MM Week 10 Work


Maniac Magee Chapters 38-41 (143-161)
Due Friday, November 7, 2008

Chapter 38 (143-148)
Word Wizard smirky(145) mossy(147) exuberance(148)
Marooned (143)

1. What was interesting about the Mars-Maniac race?
2. Who saved Maniac from his embarrassment at the end of Chapter 38?

Chapter 39 (149-152)
Word Wizard Ludicrous(150)

1. Quote the interesting way that Spinelli lets us know that the weather turned cold?
2. What does it mean to be “pure July inside” (pg. 149)
3. What smelled so bad to Maniac at the end of Chapter 39?

Chapter 40 (153-157)
Word Wizard
Extort(154) shenanigans(154) protruding(156) satchel(157)

1. What role did Maniac play with Russell and Piper?
2. Why did Maniac reject the role of father to Russell and Piper?
3. Why did Maniac leave the McNabs?
4. Prediction: Will Maniac attend the birthday party and what guest will be bring?

Chapter 41 (158-161)

1. Who was Maniac’s guest at the McNabs birthday party?
2. Explain the description “blackest of the black.”How did Maniac convince Mars to attend the party?

3. How did Maniac convince Mars to attend the party?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008



October 29, 2008


GOOD DAY ALL! I was out for a few days last week so I feel as though I am playing catch up. This Friday will be our Halloween Party! The students have been busy making their Halloween Masks which they will try and finish in Art class today. Please send in what you are willing to donate to the Halloween Party by Thursday - Thank YOU!

This week in Math we have been working on story problems and will continue with them for the rest of the week. It is important that the students create a picture/number sentence/image so they can make sense of the problem and organize the information given.

In reading we continue with our Maniac Magee. It must seem that we have been with MM for many weeks, and you are right. However, we are coming to the end. I spoke with the students yesterday as to how important it is to look back in the book if they are unsure of a comprehension question. I'm noticing that some will just guess instead of taking the time to look back. Another skill that is important to practice.

In religion we will begin the 10 commandments. In Science we are trying to complete our Salmon posters, hopefully by the end of the week.
*Sister Schools will be here on Wednesday to pick up the donated items for students/children in Uganda.

Let me know if you want to come to the Halloween Party!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Halloween Party Plan

1:30pm October 31st

Costume contest (prize)
(students can wear their costumes to school, no masks, swords)

Cookie Decorating (prize)

Paper Mache Mask Showcase (prize)

Play Halloween Games (prizes)

Please sign up for one of the following and send to school
1. Dry Ice for Punch ____________
2. Punch/Soda ____________/ ___________________
3. Paper Products (cups/napkins/plates) _________________/ _____________________/ _____________
4. Sugar Cookies Plain ___________________/_____________
5. Decorations for cookies ________________/ _____________________/ __________________
6. Parent Helpers _________________/ _________________
7. Snacks (chips, crackers, popcorn, up to you) ________________/___________________/ _________________

Week 9 M.M.


Maniac Magee Chapters 32-35
Week 9 – Due October 31, 2008

Chapter 32
Word Wizard; pallbearer vaguely

1. What woke Maniac on December 13th?
2. Who were the pallbearer’s waiting for at the funeral?
3. When did the funeral take place?
4. What did Maniac do at the end of Part II?

Chapter 33
Word Wizard: Solitary

1. Maniac could not bring himself to stay at the band shell. He returned only to pick up what?
2. Where were some of the places that Maniac stayed since he did not return to the band shell?
3. Where did Maniac end up at the end of Chapter 33? What was he waiting for?

Chapter 34
Word Wizard: Hearth

1. When Maniac went outside his cabin, what did he feel down his back? Where did he go?
2. Where was Screecher and Missing Tooth going? Where were they from?
3. Who did Maniac tell the boys he was?
4. What happened a block past Cobble’s Corner after Maniac feed Piper and Russell his free pizza? Explain

Chapter 35

1. What are your feelings toward John McNab now?
2. What did Maniac notice about the inside of John McNab’s house? Explain
3. What were the things that looked like raisins?

Sunday, October 26, 2008


If there are any parents who are willing to help put together a Halloween Party for the afternoon of the 31st, please e-mail me at

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sister Schools

I wanted to inform all of the families to let you know that the deadline for donations to Sister Schools is November 5th, about 2 weeks away. The man who is running this program will be taking pictures of the students and their donated items. I would love to see one with all of 4th grade and their donations/buckets. Thanks!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Dear Parents,
There have been many cases of lice that have been reported at school in the past week. I would advise that each parent check their child's head each night to look for lice and or nits. We want to stop this problem before it becomes an outbreak throughout the school. The school will be bringing in nurses to do head checks. If you find that your child might have lice or nits please keep them home. If you have any questions please call the office at school. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Our New Rock Star is Maggie

The Best Part of Me

by, Maggie


My arm is strong. It is my favorite part of my body.

You watch my arm plummet the football into the sky.

My arm helps me write and turn pages in books I read.

My arms win Karate tournaments. Without arms

I couldn't grab, poke, nudge, hug, pray,

play instruments, reach or play the same way.

I train my body to take on great challenges,

but my arm is the one that's the most fit.

My arm is light tan and is full of muscles.

My arm lifts things heavy and light

and if my arm wasn't mine it would be gold medal gymnast Nastia Lukin's arm.

My arm has eleven freckles on it.

I sleep downstairs so I get a lot of mosquito bites on my arm.

I love my right arm, it will always be my favorite.


After watching the Uganda video as a class, we came up with the "Bucket Club" idea. Since the children take showers outside and pump their water from a well into a bucket, we thought this a nifty idea. We also brainstormed and come up with some items that could go into the bucket to help make their shower experiences richer. Some of the items students are bringing in their bucket are supplies the children need: soap, wash-cloths, toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo, conditioner, maybe a book and what ever else you see fit. This is a voluntary idea, yet I hope that we can spread our wealth to those who have very little in Uganda.



October 21, 2008

I hope all of the students enjoyed their 5 day mini-vacation last week. On Friday I enjoyed a trip to the pumpkin patch with my children and nephews. I love this time of year, the colors and smells of Fall.

This week we will continue working on our Maniac Magee book. As soon as we finish the book we will break into guided reading groups in the classroom during reading time. We will focus on different reading strategies to strengthen certain areas of reading.

This week in Religion we are talking about our Conscience and using our conscience to make moral decisions and follow God's teachings. We began writing stories where we used our conscience to make a good decision or helped someone else make a good decision.

This week we are also going to begin making paper mache Halloween masks. We will start the process today and hopefully finish by Friday. This process has multiple steps so may take some time. I've asked each student to think about how they visualize their Halloween mask to look. This shall be a fun exercise.

Yesterday, all of the students took Pre-math test for the next chapter. This gives me a good idea as to what strategies we need to hit hard in the chapter and which ones we can skim over.

We will continue to complete our Salmon posters in groups. Hoping to make some computer time so that the students can type our their reports and put together their posters. Each group needs one poster.

Enjoy your Fall Week!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Maniac Magee Chapters 28-31

I wanted to post week 8 of Maniac Magee. The students receive this at the beginning of the week and each day is a new chapter with a comprehension quiz over the chapters on Friday. This should be placed in their 3-ring binders under READING.

Maniac Magee Chapters 28-31 (pgs. 103-114)
For week of October 20-25th

Chapter 28 (103-105)

1. How did Maniac celebrate Grayson’s reading?
2. What was special about Grayson staying overnight in the equipment room?
3. Read The Little Engine that Could, how are Maniac and Grayson like the Little Engine? Explain

Chapter 29 (106-109)

1. Describe the Thanksgiving that Grayson and Maniac shared? (pages 106-107).
2. Why was Maniac so proud to paint the numbers 101 on the door outside the baseball equipment room?
3. Draw and color a picture of what you think the baseball equipment room looks like.

Chapter 30 (110-111)

Draw a picture of Grayson and Maniac’s Christmas decorations.
Make a Christmas card that Maniac could have sent to friends from his new home with Grayson. Decorate it with pictures and write a message signed with Maniac’s name.

Chapter 31 (112-114)

1. Why was this Christmas wonderful and why did their Christmas make you smile?
2. Why was Chapter 31 sad?
3. Write about one of your hero's. Describe what this person means to you and what character traits he or she has that you admire.

Monday, October 13, 2008


October 13-17th
Conference Week
We have a very short week here at school. I am looking forward to seeing all of you again or possibly meeting some of you for the first time. Please make sure you check your child's planner for conference times or they are posted on the window of the office.
This week we will be working on some review in math. We took Math Chapter Tests last Friday and saw where we needed extra practice. We will continue to work on 2 chapters of Maniac Magee (chpt. 26-27) during reading time. We are also taking more time with possessive singular/plural nouns. There may be a few students that are bringing those worksheets home tonight. We will not have a homework packet or spelling test this week. We will resume both of those next week.
I look forward to seeing all of you, and if there are any parents interested in helping plan a Halloween party for the 31st, please let me know at your conference.
Thanks, Miz Schmutz

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Maniac Magee Chapter Work 22-25

Name: Number:

Maniac Magee Part II
Chapters 22-25 (pages 79-95)
Work for the 6th week of school

Chapter 22 (79-83)
1. Where did Jeffrey live after he left
2. Who found Jeffrey and took him to the baseball equipment room.
3. Complete Missing Poster!

Chapter 23 (84-86)
1. Why didn’t Grayson take Jeffrey to his room at the YMCA?
2. What did Grayson do with Jeffrey’s clothes?
3. Why wouldn’t Jeffrey attend school?
4. Write a jump rope song.

Chapter 24 (87-90)
1. What was “worm of a notion” mind?
2. Why did Grayson laugh when Maniac said Grayson was a liar?
3. Complete the Grayson Personality Web.
4. What would the buffaloes say if they could talk about Maniac?

Chapter 25 (91-95)
Word Wizard
Frayed (91) robust (92) rickety (92)
Sleazy (94)

1. Draw a picture of Grayson and Maniac on a typical day working together.


Monday, October 6, 2008



Week 6, October 6-10th

This week Daniel will be the Rock Star of the Week. Daniel has been a great role model in the classroom and is eager to help his peers. Daniel is interested in his classmates and their talents. He has been a joy!

We are well into the year now and routines seem to be running pretty smoothly. This week we will be working on the Descriptive Writing, using our senses as we write. The students will be writing about "The Best Part of Me," modeled after a book written by students who have written short descriptions about themselves. These will be on display during parent/teacher conferences.

We have started the second part of Maniac Magee. I will post the weeks Maniac Magee assignments as well. We continue to enjoy Jeffrey's journey through life as a young boy living primarily on the streets. I have also completed my reading assessments and will have those to share at parent/teacher conferences.

In religion the students have found New Testament stories in groups where Jesus shows forgiveness and is living out the Beatitudes in his life as an example for us.

In Social Studies we have located different cities on maps using longitude and latitude. This week we will begin working in groups starting the Five themes of geography in Washington. In Science we continue to complete our Salmon unit. Each group has taken one of the life cycles of the salmon and will present this cycle to the class in more detail based on physical characteristics and where the salmon is living or traveling during each life stage. We have used the computer lab to gather information and pictures of each stage. I have asked each group to bring in one poster board to present their stage with pictures, information, and a life-like visual representation. This will be completed in class.

Parent/Teacher conferences begin Wednesday, October 15th and will continue through the 16th. There will be no school October 15th - 17th.

Being that we do not have the Internet in our classrooms, I try and check my e-mail in the staff lounge each day. I try to check my email during lunch or after school when computers are available. Once I receive your email I will try and get back to you within 24 hours. I appreciate all of your support for your child and our school. Please send me an e-mail or note in the student planner if you have any questions, or the best way in which I can contact you. My e-mail is

I look forward to meeting all of my families,

Miz Schmutz

The Beatitudes

The students finished their Beatitudes Tear Art projects last week and are now on display in our classroom. They look wonderful!


At the beginning of the year the students wrote about themselves through recipes. We talked about what kinds of words and measurements went into recipes. They came up with a variety of things that described themselves through measurements and words that one would find in cook books. We call this "Creative Writing"

Recipe of Lindsay

A cup of love followed by a mixture of friends and talent

Shake up a balance of loving parents

throw in a sibling, a pinch of hope, and a spoonful of dreams.

Throw it all in the microwave and warm for exactly 10 minutes.

Then put them in a bowl of hope diamond.

Recipe of Nicholas

Mix 2 cups of brain with 1 gal. of video games

Then whisk with a little brother

Add 1 gal. of soccer

1 cup of swimming and a dash of baseball

Then cook at 650F to make my temper

Then add 1 lazy eye and a buzz cut, and you've got me.

Recipe of Maggie

Add 2 cups of brain to 2 little brothers

Stir until odd,

Add 1 gal. of football, and extra sharp cheddar chocolate chip cheese,

stir until German.

Then bake in the oven at 365F for 20 min.

Then sprinkle on swimming and serve on a turquoise platter.